
    摘  要:针对淮安市高校大学生课外篮球活动的现状,本论文利用文献资料法,问卷调查法、访问调查法、数理统计法进行了调查研究,得出结论:篮球运动是学生最喜欢参与的运动项目之一;大多数大学生都是通过媒体和网络的途径获知篮球知识的;定期进行篮球活动已经成为当下的一种时尚。但同时也存在着男女生参加比例失衡、管理组织不到位、缺乏场地器材、组织方式不恰当等问题。该研究旨在了解淮安市大学生课外篮球活动的开展情况,指出存在的问题,提出相应整改方案和合理化建议,为淮安市大学生课外篮球运动的健康有序开展提供参考依据。54371


     Abstract: According to the present situation of the extracurricular basketball activities of college students in Huaian City, this paper uses literature method. interview method, mathematical statistics method of investigation and study, draws the conclusion: basketball is one of the most of the studentslike to participate in sport; most students are informed of basketball knowledge by means of the media and the Internet.; regular basketball has already become a kind of fashion now. But there are also in the imbalance, management is not in place, lack of space and equipment, organization inappropriate issues such asmale and female students. The aim of this study was to understand the Huaian City College Students Extracurricular basketball activities, points out the existing problems, and put forward the corresponding solutions and suggestions, and provide reference for Huaian college students extracurricular basketball sportshealthy development.

    Keywords:development of Huaian, students university students, extracurricular basketball activity,peesent condition,countermeasures 

    目  录

    1  前言 3

    2  研究对象与方法 3

    2.1 研究对象 3

    2.2 研究方法 3

    2.2.1文献资料法 3

    2.2.2 访问调查法 3

    2.2.3 问卷调查法 3

    2.2.4 数理统计法 4

    3   结果与分析 4

    3.1淮安市高校学生课外篮球活动现状的调查与分析 4

    3.1.1 学生获知篮球知识途径的调查与分析 4

    3.1.2 学生参加课外篮球活动目的的调查与分析 4

    3.1.3 男女生参与比例情况的调查与分析 5

    3.1.4 学生每周参加课外篮球活动次数的调查与分析 5

    3.1.5 学生参加课外篮球活动形式的调查与分析 6

    3.1.6 场地设施对学生课外篮球活动影响的调查与分析 7

    4  结论与建议 9

    4.1 结论 9

    4.2 建议 9

    参考文献 11

    致谢 12

    附录 13

    1 前言    


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