


    Abstract: in this paper, the five middle school in Huaian city as the research object, by using the method of documents, interview, questionnaire, the present situation of Wushu Teaching in five schools in Huaian city to do a comprehensive understanding and analysis, results show that: the basic situation of Middle School Wushu teaching is not optimistic, the main problems lie in the school of martial arts teaching attention degree is not high, lack of qualified teachers, in the selection of teaching materials, teaching content, teaching method etc. there are problem in teaching system is not strong, lack of teaching content level, methods, and the students' understanding of Wushu and Wushu Teaching is biased. The existing problems are discussed, and put forward to strengthen and improve the physical education teachers' professional knowledge and martial arts training, optimize the structure of teachers, strengthen school emphasis on Traditional Wushu, Wushu in Huaian city to promote the better development of the school.

    Key word:middle school,martial arts, teaching situation

    目   录  

    1 前 言 3

    2  研究对象与方法 3

    2.1  研究对象 3

    2.2  研究方法 3

    2.2.1  文献资料法 3

    2.2.2  问卷调查法 3

    2.2.3  数理统计法 4

    2.2.4  逻辑分析法 4

    3  结果与分析 4

    3.1  淮安市区初中武术课程开展情况 4

    3.1.1  初中武术课程开设情况 4

    3.1.2  初中武术教学内容现状 5

    3.2  淮安市区初中体育教师基本情况 5

    3.3  淮安市区初中生对武术兴趣现状 5

    3.4  淮安市区初中生对武术课程看法情况 6

    3.5  淮安市区学校武术教学场地器材设施现状 6

    4  淮安市区初中武术开展影响因素与对策分析 7

    4.1  淮安市区初中武术课开展情况影响因素 7

    4.1.1  初中教师专业素质的影响 7

    4.1.2  教学内容和教学组织的影响 7

    4.1.3  学校场地器材的影响 7

    4.2  淮安市区初中武术教学开展对策研究

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