    本文阐述了滤波器基本原理和设计方法,重点分析了平行耦合带通滤波器的设计流程,并介绍了空间映射法的基本方法和其发展历程,研究了隐式空间映射法的原理与运用。根据滤波器器理论,采用切比雪夫设计法对平行耦合带通滤波器进行设计,并运用隐式空间映射方法对电路快速优化,综合使用电路仿真软件与电磁仿真软件。其中选用仿真精度低却耗时较少的ADS建立粗糙模型,选用仿真精度高却费时的Ansoft HFSS建立精细模型,通过参数提取将优化过程转入粗糙模型实现,简化了设计过程。20319
    关键词  带通滤波器  Ku波段  空间映射  参数提取 
    Title    Design of  Ku-band Band-pass Filter Based on  Space Mapping Technique                                                
    With the development of communication technology, the filters are applied more widely and face increasingly high performance requirements, so how to quickly design a high performance filter has become a major issue.
    This paper describes the basic principles and filter design methods. It focuses on the design process of parallel coupled band-pass filter and introduces the basic method of space mapping method and its development process. The principles and use of implicit space mapping are specially studied. According to the filter theory, a parallel coupled band-pass filter are designed  by chebyshev filter synthesis method, the use of implicit space mapping method helps fast optimization, circuit simulation software  and electromagnetic simulation software are Comprehensively used. In this paper, coarse model are built in low-accuracy but less -consuming ADS, fine model are built in high-accuracy but time-consuming
    Ansoft HFSS. The design is simplified by parameter extraction, which implement optimization process in coarse model.
    Keywords  band-pass filter  ku-band  space mapping   parameter extraction
    目   次   
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  设计背景    1
    1.2  空间映射法的发展    1
    2  带通滤波器设计原理    3
    2.1  滤波器基本理论    3
    2.2  切比雪夫滤波器原型    3
    2.3  低通滤波原型变换为带通滤波器    6
    2.4  平行耦合带通滤波器原理    7
    3  隐式空间映射法    10
    3.1  基本原理    10
    3.2  优化过程    11
    4  平行耦合带通滤波器设计过程    12
    4.1  设计指标    12
    4.2  设计流程    12
    4.3  理论计算    12
    5  优化过程    16
    5.1  粗糙模型最优解    16
    5.2  精细模型建立    18
    5.3  优化迭代    20
    结论    27
    致谢    28
    参考文献    29
    1 绪论
    1.1 设计背景
  1. 上一篇:SIW带通滤波器的设计与研究
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