    关键词:激光打靶  图像预处理  背景差法  CCD摄像机
    Title      The Research Of The System Of Laser Shooting  Signal Processing                              
    As an essential practice of military training,shooting practice is always
    focused by army.However,the traditional practicing system is still adopted
    in the army of every country nowadays.This training method not only waste
    much resource of ammunition,but also lower the training efficiency and low safety issues largely limits the effectiveness of training soldiers.
    And the training impartiality and reliability can not be guaranteed by
    the traditional way of artificial results reporting.With the continuous development of laser technology, it has become a tend that each country
    makes efforts to substitute laser for ammunition to make shooting practice.
      This research is made to design a system for the signal extraction and
    analysis of the target surface which is the second part of the laser
    shooting system .This system captures image by CCD video camera.Then
    converting the analog image into a digital image by video capture card.
    We can preprocess the digital image through the image processing
    technology .And the laser spot can be extracted by the background difference method.Then the score of the shooting training can be got .
      Those problems which are caused by the artificial results reporting method is dealt efficiently by this system.And this kind of system is low cost,simple operation,and this system will have a good prospect for development.
    Keywords  laser shooting    image preprocessing  Background subtraction   CCD video camera
    目   次
    1.绪论        1
    1.1 研究此课题的目的和意义    1
    1.2 国内外现状    1
    1.3 本文的主要研究内容    3
    2.基本原理        04
    2.1 系统工作原理    4
    2.2 摄像机    4
    2.3 常用的光斑提取处理的方法    6
    2.4靶面光斑信号提取原理    7
    2.5 数字图像处理技术基本概念    7
    2.6本章小结    8
    3. 靶面信号处理系统的总体设计    9
    3.1硬件设计    9
    3.3软件设计    11
    3.4 本章小结    14
    4. 靶面图像分析设计    15
    4.1 图像预处理    15
    4.2 靶面图像识别及靶环判断    16
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