    关键词:AT89C51 MAX1554 MCP4822
    Title:Design of White LED street lamp lighting control
    Now, the white LED as the next generation lighting source internationally recognized has been widely used in mobile phone, LED screen and other products.As the white LED is driven by the current, the luminous intensity and flow through the currents proportional to LED.Therefore, through the regulation of the flow through the white LED current, can realize the brightness of back light source to achieve the regulation.
    This design will introduce a single-chip microcomputer control through the design of white LED lamp lighting controller, realize regulation example on 10 series of white LED lamp brightness.
    In this design, the selection of a model for the boost type MAX1554 converter chip, the chip has a power boost transformation and functional regulation of LED current, can meet the requirements of system design.
    The system chooses AT89C51 as the controller, to adjust the input voltage of BRT end by conversion single chip send the different data to a digital to analog converter MCP4822, finally realizes regulating the series white LED brightness.At the same time, the system set up three buttons, respectively, the unlock button, brightness enhancement of keys and the brightness down, used for adjusting a keyboard lock and white LED brightness.
    KEYWORD:AT89C51 MAX1554 MCP4822
     目   次
    1  绪论.1
    1.1  课题研究的背景及意义.1
    1.2  路灯照明控制器的概述与现状.1
    1.3  课题研究的主要任务.1
    1.4  论文总体安排.2
        1.4.1  白光LED路灯控制器设计.2
        1.4.2  系统设计要求及设计思路.2
    2  白光LED路灯照明控制器的硬件介绍.3
    2.1  AT89C51单片机简介3
    2.1.1  AT89C51单片机特性概述3
    2.1.2  AT89C51单片机引脚介绍3
    2.2  MCP4822D/A转换器简介5
    2.2.1  MCP4822D/A转换器内部结构.6
    2.2.2  MCP4822D/A转换器引脚功能.6
    2.2.3  MCP4822D/A转换器工作原理7
    2.3  LED驱动器MAX1544简介.8
    2.3.1  LED驱动器MAX1544引脚功能.9
    2.3.2  LED驱动器MAX1544工作原理.10
    3  硬件电路设计.11
    3.1  主电路与MCP4822模块11
    3.2  MAX1554模块.11
    4.1  系统软件程序14
        4.1.1  系统主程序流程图14
        4.1.2  定时器0中断服务程序流程图15
    4.2  系统软件代码分析16
    4.2.1  函数声明及变量定义16
    4.2.2  Main():主程序17
        4.2.3  Send():MCP4822D/A转换子程序.18
    4.2.4  按键处理程序19
    4.2.5  其他子程序22
    5  系统测试分析.25
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