        如果只是简单的拼接图像,那么我们得到的拼接图像将会有明显的缝隙,所以必须寻找一个良好的方法消除这种缝隙。我们对现有的平滑处理方法进行了分析研究,并取得了满意的效果。关键词: 软件设计,VC++,多线程技术,图像拼接,图像平滑
    Title   Study on fast scanning method of real-time video image    
    Image mosaic is an important research area of computer vision, image processing and computer graphics all the time. It can used to construct the large field of view and high-resolution image. Its application is in virtual reality, medical image processing, remote sensing and military affairs.
    The overall program of the software is designed based on the needs of the system, completed the structural design of the functional modules of the software. Using MFC-based technology,multi-threading technology and the principle of serial communication, finished the design of PC interface software and system design of the control module with object-oriented software platform in VC++2005. By studying the image mosaic theory,combined with multi-threading technology,the stitching software module is designed to achieve a real-time image of the 360 ° panorama stitching.
    The fast scanning method of real-time video image system designed in this paper is debuged and run in VC + +2005 environment with a good interactive interface,the test results show that the software has high stability and real-time,can meet the requirements of the system.
    Only using simple algorithm in image mosaic, there will be apparent gap in it. So a good algorithm is needed to find to diminish the gap. Analyzing several existing image soothing algorithms, and we have made satisfactory effect.
    Keywords: software design,VS2005,Multi thread technology,image stitching,image smoothing
    目   次
    1  绪论    1
        1.1  图像拼接的研究意义以及研究现状    1
        1.2  图像拼接技术的国内外发展现状    2
    1.2.1  国外图像拼接技术发展现状    2
    1.2.2  国内图像拼接技术发展现状    3
    1.2.3  图像拼接技术发展方向    4
        1.3  VS2005平台及介绍    4
        1.4  本文的工作内容    5
    2  图像融合算法的介绍    6
        2.1  加权平均法    6
        2.2  Toet 算法    6
        2.3  对比度调制法    7
    3  实时视频图像拼接系统的组成分析    8
        3.1  硬件选取分析    8
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