    首先,选用TI公司生产的OPA847运算放大器、电阻电容等,参考有源微分电路的设计理论,设计了线性范围频率大于1GHZ的宽带微分器实现电路。接着,利用仿真软件Cadence对设计的电路进行仿真,通过仿真得出该微分电路的频响特性图,优化滤波器参数。然后,使用Altium Designer画出PCB电路板,制作完成了实物电路,对实物电路进行验证,验证了宽带信号的微分电路设计的可行性。
    关键词 有源微分电路  误差分析  幅频特性  OPA847
    Title Design and implementation of  wideband analog differentiator        
    This project researches on sub-band pision in wideband signal. The decomposition principle in high-pass signal and the implementation method in high-pass differentiator circuit are expounded. Using ideal operation amplifier  model, the frequency response of differentiator has a large peak away from differential rule and the band is not wide. Research in approximation method of high-pass signal and circuit implementation is necessary,the frequency response of the differentiator has no peak away from differential rule, and the band keeping with differential rule could be the widest.
    First, referring to the active differential circuit design theory, we select OPA847 produced by TI, resistors and capacitors to design the differentiator circuit of  which the linear frequency is larger than 1GHZ. Second, Cadence is used as the core of circuit design to obtain the frequency response characteristics and optimal parameters. Altium Designer is used to draw PCB circuit boards as well as model and analysis the circuit. It provides ways of decomposition and synthesis of wideband signal. The circuit verifies the differential characteristics of wideband signals.
    Finally, the project discusses the applications of wideband differentiators. Based on wideband differentiators ,fractional delay differentiators can be enabled.
    Keywords  active differential circuit  error analysis  
    amplitude-frequency characteristic    OPA847

     目   次
    1     绪论3
    1.1  课题研究的背景3
    1.2  国内外研究动态3
    1.3  论文的主要工作及章节安排4
    1.4  本章小节5
    2  宽带信号的分解6
    2.1  宽带信号的子带分割6
    2.1.1  频带分割技术综述6
    2.1.2  下采样基本原理7
    2.2   宽带信号的多项式逼近10
    2.3   本章小节11
    3  高通微分器电路设计 12
    3.1  宽带微分器的基本概念 12
    3.2  电路模型设计 13
    3.2.1  由理想运放组成的微分电路 13
    3.2.2  优化设计后的微分电路 15
    3.2.3  电路模型设计 16
    3.3  仿真结果 19
    3.4  电路的性能分析及讨论 22
    3.4.1  实物设计 22
    3.4.2  电路性能分析 22
    3.5  本章小结 26
    4  宽带微分器的应用 27
    4.1  基于微分器的分数延迟电路 27
    4.2  本章小结 28
    结论  29
    致谢  30
    1 绪论
    1.1    课题研究背景
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