    本文首先详细分析了高速数模混合电路PCB设计中的信号完整性问题,包括反射、串扰等,然后针对现有的高速数模混合电路PCB设计,使用 Cadence Allegro PCB SI仿真工具和 IBIS模型对PCB上的高速器件信号开展仿真分析,主要工作如下:
    1.高速差分信号的信号完整性仿真分析,包括Tundra公司高速S-RapidIO桥路芯片 Tsi578和TI公司8核高性能DSP C6678之间;ADI公司高速模数转换器件AD9643与Xilinx公司K7系列FPGA之间差分信号的完整性分析和走线优化仿真等;32737
    2.高速单端信号的信号完整性仿真分析,包括DDR3 K4B2G1646C与DSP C6678的单端数据线信号完整性和串扰分析等;
    关键词: 高速混合印刷电路板 信号完整性 反射 串扰 电源完整性 仿真分析
    Title    Signal Integrity Analysis for High-speed Digital Analog Hybrid Circuit                           
    At present, the bandwidth of analog devices like high-speed operational amplifiers(op-amp) and digital-to-analog(D/A) converters used in the high-performance electronic systems has reached hundreds of MHz and GHz. At the same time, the rising edge time of the digital signal has also entered into the ps magnitude. So, high-speed digital analog hybrid printed circuit board is facing many signal integrity problems.
    This article will first analyze the signal integrity problems such as the analysis of reflection and crosstalk in the high-speed digital PCB. And then, on account of the existing design of the high-speed digital analog hybrid PCB, the simulation software Cadence Allegro PCB SI and IBIS models will be used to simulate and analyze the signals between high-speed devices on the PCB. The main work is as follows:
    1、    Simulations and analysis of the high-speed differential signal integrity: in this part, the signal between Tundra Company S-Tsi578 RapidIO high-speed bridge circuit chip and TI Company high performance DSP 8-core C6678, the signal between ADI company AD9643 (high-speed analog to digital converter) and the Xilinx company K7 FPGA will both be analyzed.
    2、Simulations and analysis of the high-speed single-ended signal integrity: in this part, the single-ended signal integrity analysis between DDR3 K4B2G1646C and DSP C6678 is carried out. The crosstalk of DDR3 K4B2G1646C data bus has also been analyzed.
    3、    Simulations and analysis of the power integrity: in this part, the clock signal generated by AD9516(ADI company high-speed differential clock generating chip)  to AD9643 has been analyzed. The power integrity has also been analyzed between 3.3V power supply area at 8th level and a ground plane at 9th level, which can be seen as a power ground plane pair.
    In this paper, the results of the high-speed mixed-signal PCB design and the implementation of the associated project have a certain reference significance.
    Keywords    High-speed Digital-analog Hybrid PCB, Signal integrity, Reflection,Crosstalk, Power integrity, Simulation analysis
    目  次
    1  引言    3
    1.1  信号完整性的定义    3
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