    毕业论文关键词: 压缩采样  随机解调  模信转换  多频信号  稀疏信号
    Title   Multitone Signal compressive sampling and high resolution estimation
    With the development of information technology and people's increasing demand for information, the bandwidth of signal become wider. According to the traditional signal processing framework, the required sampling rate increases, and hardware implementation becomes difficult, and the way of sampling and then compressing wastes a lot of resources. To solve this problem, the compressive sampling theory comes into being, the core idea is to combine compressing and sampling. Firstly we measure the non-adaptive linear projection of the signal, then we use reconstruction algorithm to reconstruct the original signal. Using compressive sampling the amount of measurement data is far less than the amount using conventional sampling methods. Compressive sampling breakthrough the bottleneck of Shannon sampling theorem, making it possible to sampling wideband signal. Based on the principle of compressive sampling, and random demodulation, we use the random demodulation-based analog-to-information convert system for sampling the multitone signals, and evaluate its performance through simulation experiments. The simulation results show the relationship between the reconstruction performance and the sparsity of the multitone signals.
    Keywords:compressive sensing, random demodulation, analog-to-information conversion, multitone signal, spare signals
    1绪论 6
      1.2 国内外研究现状及应用7
          1.2.1 研究现状  7
          1.2.2压缩传感的应用 8
      1.3 压缩采样的基本内容 9
          1.3.1信号的稀疏表示 9
          1.3.2 测量矩阵 10
          1.3.3 信号重构 11
          1.3.4 信号恢复算法介绍 12
      1.4论文的章节安排  15
    2 基于随机解调的模/信转换系统 17
      2.1信号的稀疏表示  17
      2.2随机解调的基本原理 17
           2.2.1模拟处理 17
           2.2.2测量矩阵 18
      2.3信号的恢复算法 18
      2.4本章总结 19
    3仿真分析  20
      3.1不同稀疏度下的误差分析 21  3.2不同采样率下的误差分析23
    结论 26
    1 本文工作总结26
    2 研究展望26
    致谢 27
    1  绪论
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