    关键词  慢光  干涉仪  傅立叶变换  光谱特性
    Title     Research on slow-light interferometry          
    Recently, there has been considerable interest in the development of slow and fast light techniques to control the propagation velocity of light pulses through a material system. A slow-light medium with large dispersion is usually defined as a medium that has a very large group index as compared with the index of refraction (i.e., the phase index), which is promising in applications in optical communication systems, such as optical delay lines and data resynchronization. Interferometers with better spectral performance can accelerate its development in applications such as metrology, optical sensing, quantum information processing, and biomedical engineering. This paper analyses the theories of various types (two-beam, multiple-beam and Fourier-transform) of interferometers and confirms the possibilities of slow light interferometers. Meanwhile, we use two figures of merit, spectral resolution and working finesse, to evaluate the spectral performance of slow-light interferometers.
    Keywords  slow-light  interferometer  Fourier-transform  spectral performance
    目   次
    1  绪论1
    1.1  研究背景 1
    1.2  研究发展现状 1
    1.3  慢光技术的应用 2
    1.4  研究内容 3
    1.5  章节安排 3
    2  慢光的概念及应用 4
    2.1  相速度和群速度 4
    2.2  慢光的基本概念 5
    3  慢光干涉技术 7
    3.1  双光束干涉法 7
    3.2  多光束干涉法 8
    4  傅立叶变换慢光技术 11
    4.1  传统傅立叶干涉法 11
    4.2  傅立叶变换慢光干涉法 12
    4.3  实验验证 14
    5  干涉仪的光谱特性 17
    5.1  品质因数 17
    5.2  光谱分辨率 17
    5.2.1  双光束干涉仪 17
    5.2.2  多光束干涉仪 18
    5.2.2  傅立叶变换干涉仪 20
    5.3  工作精细度 22
    5.3.1  独立单增益线 22
    5.3.2  间隔双吸收线 24
    5.3.3  电磁感应透明 25
    结论  29
    致谢  30
     1  绪论
    1.1  研究背景
    1.2  研究发展现状
    微观慢光指群折射率变化主要发生于原子或分子水平的光与物质的相互作用过程。由于 的值可能很大,典型慢光介质的 和 不等。同时,复折射率 的实部和虚部满足Kramers-Kronig(K-K)关系。另外, 剧烈变化的大色散通常发生在某些增益或吸收共振特性的附近。
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