    摘要近年来,卫星导航技术得到了飞速的发展。GPS,北斗,Glonass……不同国家的导航技术对卫星的定位要求越来越高,其中对于导航系统的接收机的性能要求也变得越来越高,低噪放作为接收机设计中的重要环节,对它的性能研究自然有着非常重要的工程意义。本文主要探讨的内容有三部分:首先对低噪声放大器的理论基础以及相关知识做了系统概括;其次选择了Agilent公司ATF-54143晶体管,利用ADS软件进行匹配仿真,设计了一个两级级联的低噪声放大器,仿真增益达到30dB,噪声系数为0.9dB;最后采用了Mini-Circuit公司的低噪放芯片CMA-545G1+,利用AutoCAD软件对其进行布线制版,设计了一个大小只有 的低噪放电路板,并最终完成PCB板的制作与测试,测试性能良好,增益可达25dB,噪声系数小于1。18988
    关键词:  低噪放  导航系统  增益  噪声系数  散射参数
    Title     The design of a compact low noise amplifier used in navigation receiver                  
    In recent years, satellite navigation technology has been developed rapidly. GPS, Compass, Glonass and so on, different satellite navigation systems have been appeared, with the development of these satellite navigation technologies, the demands for their receiver performance are becoming higher. LNA , as the most important part of the RF receiver, the study of its performance has a very important significance. In this thesis,we discuss three main contents. Firstly, we make a investigation of the basic theory about the low noise amplifier. Secondly, we choose Agilent's ATF-54143 Transistor and design a low noise amplifier using the commercial software ADS, which get a gain of 30 dB and noise figure of 0.9dB. Finally, we choose LNA chip CMA-545G1+ that produced by Mini-Circuit company and design a good performance LNA which has been fabricated. Its gain can reach 25dB and the noise figure is less than 1dB.
    Keywords:   LNA   navigation system   gain   noise figure  S-parameter
    1    引言    1
    1.1  课题研究背景与意义    1
    1.2  低噪放的发展历史及研究现状    2
    1.3    课题主要内容    4
    2  低噪声放大器的理论基础    5
    2.1  微波基础理论    5
    2.1.1  长线理论    5
    2.1.2  二端口网络与散射参数[S]    8
    2.1.3  史密斯圆图    9
    2.2 低噪放的性能指标    11
    2.2.1 低噪放的稳定性    11
    2.2.2  噪声和噪声系数    14
    2.2.3  增益与增益平坦度    15
    2.2.4  输出1dB压缩点    16
    2.2.5  三阶交调点    16
    2.3  本章小结    17
    3  两级晶体管低噪声放大器设计    18
    3.1  低噪放设计指标介绍    18
    3.2  晶体管选择与datasheet研读    19
    3.3  低噪声放大器的设计与仿真    20
    3.3.1    直流偏置网络的设计    20
    3.3.2    匹配电路的设计    21
    3.3.3    单级电路的具体实现    22
    3.3.4    最终电路与仿真结果    24
    3.4    本章小结    27
    4  基于芯片的低噪放设计    28
    4.1  设计指标    28
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