    毕业设计说明书(论文)中文摘要随着环境污染问题的日益突出,生物医学研究的不断深入,生化物质的精确质量检测成为重要的研究热点。相较于广泛使用的石英晶体微天平,基于薄膜体声波谐振器(FBAR)的生化检测传感器具有超高灵敏度和半导体集成优势。 论文介绍了 FBAR 的基本原理和结构以及作为微质量传感器的原理和研究进展。分别建立对FBAR 器件的Mason模型、BVD模型和MBVD模型,并比较它们的优劣,在 ADS2009 中建立 MBVD 模型。通过测试实际器件,得到对应模型参数,对建立的模型进行仿真,并得到理想的仿真结果。 论文介绍了基于薄膜体声波谐振器的生化检测技术的核心 FBAR 振荡器,将FBAR 作为感性器件与电容、三极管等组成三点式振荡电路,在 ADS 中用S 参数仿真、谐波平衡仿真、瞬态仿真调节参数使振荡器工作在 2.1GHz 左右。绘制对应的PCB板并制作实物,得到的振荡器经调试输出 2.34GHz 的正弦波,并可以初步反应质量的微量变化。 论文提出了检测信号电路的设计方案和计算方法,为下一步完成完整的生化检测电路奠定基础。6490
     关键词  薄膜体声波谐振器  FBAR振荡器  MBVD模型  生化检测
    Title  Research of Biochemical Detection  Based on Film Bulk Acoustic Resonators (FBAR)                   
    Along with the environmental problems and biomedical research  becoming
    increasingly prominent,  biochemical substances quality testing has become an
    important accurate research hot spot. Compared with quartz crystal microbalance, film
    bulk acoustic resonators (FBAR) biosensor has the  advantage of high sensitivity and
    could be integrated with RFIC and MMIC.  The basic principle and structure of the
    FBAR  as well as  the quality of the  biosensor’s  principle and research progress  are
    introduced. Mason model, BVD model and MBVD model are built. Their advantages
    and disadvantages  are compared.  FBAR’s MBVD model  is  established  in  software
    ADS2009. Through testing the practical device, corresponding model parameters of the
    model are achieved, then simulate in ADS and get ideal simulation results.
    This paper introduces FBAR resonators and builds three point oscillator circuits. In
    ADS with S parameters simulation, the harmonic balance simulation, the transient
    simulation, an  oscillator  is successfully  built. Then the PCB of FBAR resonator is
    shown. By testing the output wave of resonator, it can test micro mass.
    This paper puts forward the detection signal circuit design and calculation methods for
    the next step of completing biochemical detection circuit.
     Keywords    FBAR resonator  MBVD model    Biochemistry detection
    1   绪论    1
    1.1   研究背景    1
    1.2  FBAR 概述    1
    1.2.1  FBAR 应用现状    1
    1.2.2  FBAR 工作原理    2
    1.2.3  FBAR 典型结构    2
    1.3  FBAR 生化检测技术研究现状    5
    1.3.1   现有生化检测技术    5
    1.3.2  FBAR 的物质检测研究现状    6
    1.4   小结    7
    2  FBAR 建模与仿真    7
    2.1  Mason等效电路模型    8
    2.2  BVD和MBVD等效电路模型    10
    2.3  Mason模型和 BMVD模型的比较    12
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