
    摘要如今由于射频识别技术的快速发展并趋于成熟,射频识别应用的范畴也越来普及。本次设计将RFID技术应用到行车控制系统中,将传统的手动操控的行车系统改进成采用射频识别的行车控制系统。该系统包含RFID电子标签、读写器越以及计算机等硬件设备,再加上设计出来的软件,可以让用户通过对对话框的操作实现对行车的控制,实现行车的精确定位,使行车的控制更加方便快捷。本次软件的开发是基于Visual C++的开发环境,采用C++编程语言,通过MFC及数据库来开发软件的, 最终设计出了一个可供用户操作的对话框,用户可以在上面设定行车的位置,点击“启动”按钮后行车就会按照用户指定运行到设定的位置停下,并在对话框上显示相应的信息。该项目使行车的自动化程度和可操作性得到提升,用到实际工作中可以提高工作效率,节约成本,减轻操作人员的工作量。42457


    Title   The exploit of bridge crane control system based on radio frequency identification technology.                                                


    With the rapid development of radio frequency identification technology, its application field is also extended. In this design bridge crane, equipped with RFID technology, will be controlled by computer and located automatically instead of traditional manual control. The system’s hardware consists of some RFID electronic tags, a reader and a computer, combined with specially designed software, allowing user to control the crane through the operation of the dialog box, achieving a higher precise of position and enable a more convenient way to control the crane. The software is based on the development environment of Visual C++, and designed by using C++ programming language, with the help of MFC and date base. Finally, a dialog box that can be operated by users is designed, where users can set the target position of the crane and moving the crane to the target position with a click on the “Start” button. As the crane is arrived, relevant information will be shown on the dialog. In sum, the project improved the degree of automation and maneuverability of the bridge crane, which can enhance the work efficiency, save the cost and reduce the workload of the operator.

    Keywords: RFID, bridge crane, electronic tag, reader, MFC.



    1. 绪论: 1

    1.1 课题背景及意义 1

    1.2国内外相关研究的进展 2

    1.3内容章节安排 3

    2. 系统实现方案及RFID技术 4

    2.1系统实现方案 4

    2.2 RFID技术 5

    2.2.1 RFID的系统组成 5

    2.2.2 RFID系统的工作原理 7

    3.系统软件开发实现 9

    3.1开发环境 9

    3.1.1 MFC 10

    3.1.2数据库 10

    3.2程序设计与实现 12

    3.2.1程序设计总体思路 12

    3.2.2程序实现 13


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