


    关键词  火焰检测;视频;Matlab;背景减除法;帧间差分法


    Title  Fire detection technology research based on video images 

    Abstract Fire field is an important field in video detection and attaches more and more attention from society. The traditional fire detection technology concentrate on temperature and smoke and uses equipment which is based on them .The quality of the signal is bad ,anti-jamming capacity is not strong and accuracy is low .What worse is that the detection range is small ,it is easy to lead to false dismissal and false alert .Fire detection technology research based on video images can solve this problem.

    In order to do efficient detection in large space .The paper researches on  fire detection technology based on video images .First ,the paper introduces the background of the research and the fire detection technology in early age and current time .The paper researches on inter-frame difference method and background subtraction method respectively ,comparisons are made between them .Then ,the paper introduces the features of flame ,using RGB model and YCbCr model to extract suspected fire area .Last ,the paper uses the feature of fire shape ,flicker frequency and direction of motion to judge the suspected fire area .Based on Matlab ,the paper 

    compile the procedure of inter-frame difference, background subtraction ,mixture-of-gaussians model ,image extraction ,binaryzation ,morphological processing,colour model,motion tracking and flicker frequency detection to finish the detection of flame.

    Keyword:fire detection;video;Matlab; background subtraction; inter-frame difference;

    目 录

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 选题背景 1

    1.2 早期火焰检测技术 1

    1.3  国内外研究概况 2

    1.4  本文的主要研究内容及章节安排 2

    2 火焰特征 4

    2.1 火焰的组成 4

    2.2火焰的特征 4

    2.2.1 火焰的颜色特征 4

    2.2.2  火焰的形态特征 5

    2.2.3  火焰的闪烁频率特征 5

          3   图像预处理技术

    3.1  Matlab简介 6

    3.2 彩色模型 6

    3.2.1  RGB彩色模型

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