


    毕业论文关键词: 累计差直方图;序列差直方图;PRI变换;修正PRI变换

    The pulse signal sorting algorithm based on PRI of simulation and application

    Abstract:With the rapid development of radar technology and the wide application of new system radar, radar signal environment shows the characteristics of dense, complex and changeable, the difficulty of the radar signal sorting is gradually increased. At present, the traditional method of signal sorting has can't satisfy the requirement of real-time processing. In order to be effective separation of radar signal under complex signal environment, this paper studies deeply the key algorithm of signal sorting, and fuzziness for single sorting algorithm separation results could not even correct sorting defects, research joint sorting algorithm.

    Mainly analyzed the radar signal sorting facing the complex signal environment, this paper briefly introduces the cumulative difference histogram, the traditional method of signal sorting sequence difference histogram of common, and in view of the children of the harmonic problems in traditional separation algorithm, the PRI transform method, the modified PRI transform and comprehensive sorting algorithm. The simulation results show that the improved PRI transform method of dither signal of the complex signal environment, loss of pulse signal has good separation effect. Based on the improved PRI transform method and the method is validated by  computer simulation for complex signal environment is a lot of unknown radar signal has good separation effect.

    Keywords: cumulative difference histogram;sequential difference histogram;PRI transform;modified PRI transform 


    摘要 i

    Abstract ii

    目录 iii

    1   绪论 1

      1.1 论文的研究背景和意义 1

      1.2 论文的研究内容 2

    2   MATLAB软件技术 3

      2.1 软件简介 3

      2.2 编程技术 4

    3   经典算法的研究 5

      3.1 累计差值直方图(CDIF) 5

      3.2 序列差值直方图(SDIF) 8

    4   关于PRI变换的算法 12

      4.1 PRI变换法 12

        4.1.1 PRI变换法的原理 12

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