
    摘要:随着我国科技的进步,智能化和自动化技术普及程度越来越高,各种高端科技也广泛应用于智能车和玩具机器人制造领域,使智能机器人越来越趋于完善,更像“人”。智能小车是智能机器人的基础也是它的核心构思。它涉及到很多各方面,包括机械电子、传感器、计算机硬件、软件、人工智能等许多学科的知识,甚至达到当今许多前沿领域的技术。 50261


    毕业论文关键词: STC89C52RC;超声波模块;蓝牙模块

    Embedded design of tracked vehicle

    Abstract:With the progress of science and technology in our country, the popularity of intelligent and automation technology has more and more high, a variety of high-end technology is widely used in smart car and toy robot manufacturing, make intelligent robot is more and more perfect, more like a \"person\". Smart car is the foundation of the intelligent robot is its core conception. It involves many aspects, including mechanical, electronic, sensor, computer hardware, software, artificial intelligence and many other disciplines of knowledge, and even to many of today's cutting edge technology.

    This car design is mainly composed of single-chip microcomputer control system module, regulated power supply module, motor driver module, control module, ultrasonic detection module and bluetooth modules, system with STC89C52RC MCU as the core, to control the peripheral devices, using linear regulator chip on voltage stability control, as a single chip computer and other peripherals for stable power supply, the use of ultrasonic module for signal detection distance, use L298N motor driver module to control the stable dc gear motor, speed control by PWM speed regulation principle, the use of wireless digital HC05 bluetooth module for remote communication. Design of the smart car can depart from the start, in order to automatic mode and active movement.

    KeyWords:STC89C52RC;Ultrasonic module;Bluetooth

    目 录

    1  引言1

    1.1  本课题的目的和意义 1

    1.1.1  研究目的1

    1.1.1  研究意义1

    1.2  国内外研究现状和水平 2

    1.3  发展趋势 2

    1.4  主要思想 4

    2  系统工作原理5

    2.1  履带小车的设想5

    3  系统硬件设计5

    3.1  履带小车  5

    3.2  排版和规划12

    3.3  电源驱动仿真及设计 13

    3.4  STC89C516RD+15

    3.5  L298N17

    3.6  传感器配件18

    4  系统软件设计 5

    4.1  编程语言21

    4.2  支持软件21

    4.2  核心程序26

    5  总结5

     5.1  问题排查26

     5.2  结论 26

    1 引言

    1.1 本课题的目的和意义


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