    摘要:家庭网关是家庭网络的核心部件,将是未来家居的重要发展和研究方向。用户通过手机、互联网等手段实现对家用电气设备的运行状态进行远程控制,例如控制室内温度、湿度和灯光亮度等功能。这篇毕业设计论文介绍了家庭网关的概念、功能和组成,以及国内外的发展现状,说明了在如今的科技发展的大背景下,推广和研究开发家庭网关的重要性和迫切性。从家庭网关的现状入手,综合分析了现在已有的各种家庭网络技术,总结出无线网络将是未来家庭网络的发展方向。本次项目内容主要研究的是温湿度传感器采集到数据之后,与协调器进行信息交互建立连接之后,发起一个Zigbee PRO网,然后持续检测是否有节点加入或者离开本网络,一旦有节点加入网络后,会通过协调器发送父子节点关系给网关,网关收到父子节点关系后会让节点信息保存,通过网关最后将采集来的温湿度数据在开发板的显示器上呈现出实时的数据曲线图。
    The Model Research of Home Gateway
    Abstract:The home gateway is the core component of the home network, it will be an important development and research directions of the future home. Users achieve remote control of household electrical equipment condition through mobile phones, the Internet and other means, for example, to control the indoor temperature, humidity and light levels. This graduate design thesis describes the concept, composition and the domestic and foreign development status of home gateway, illustrates the importance and urgency of home gateway in promotion and research under the background of science and technology. Starting from the in hand status of the home gateway, after a comprehensive analysis of existing home networking technologies, summed up that the wireless network will be the future direction of development of the home network, The main point of the project can be showed as follows, initiate a Zigbee PRO network after the acquisition of temperature and humidity data and the information interaction with the coordinator, then continuing to detect whether a node joins or leaves the network, once a node joins the network the relationship between parent-child node will be sent to the gateway through the coordinator, when the gateway receives the relationship between parent-child node, the information will be saved, finally the collected temperature and humidity data will be showed on the development board in real-time data graph through the gateway .
    Keywords:home gateway;home network;temperature and humidity sensor;Zigbee
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 物联网的兴起    1
    1.2 物联网的简介    1
    1.3 家庭网关的概念    2
    1.4 智能家庭网关现状与前景    3
    1.4.1 国外智能家居的现状    4
    1.4.2 国内智能家居的现状    5
    1.4.3 家庭物联网未来的前景    5
    1.5 设计的目的    6
    2无线传感器网络    7
    2.1 Zigbee技术的简介    7
    2.2 MAC层服务概述    8
    2.3 IEEE802.15.4网络    9
    3 实验的硬件平台    11
    3.1 CC2530 芯片简介    11
    3.2 温湿度传感器    11
    3.3 网络协调器    13
    3.4 嵌入式网关    13
    4 系统软件设计    15
    4.1 软件开发平台    15
    4.2 系统软件设计    16
    5 模型实验结果与测试    17
    5.1 实验原理说明    17
    5.2 实验过程介绍    17
    5.3 测试的目的    19
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