
    摘要:频率是电信号中重要的参数之一,本设计中,首先介绍了一般和等精度频率计的测量原理,根据自顶向下的设计理念,提出了总体的设计方案在数字频率计的顶层设计中使用了4个不同功能的底层模块:cnt10模块、LATCH4模块、decoder模块和control模块,并对各个底层模块进行仿真,输出仿真波形,验证期正确性;最后根据设计方案搭建顶层模块,完成顶层实体的设计。本文基于FPGA等精度频率计的设计相对于一般的频率计的设计使用模块化的设计方法,使得它升级和维护都很方便、灵活;设计的频率计体积小,功耗低,稍加修改就可以改变数字频率计测量范围,拥有较高的整体性能和可靠性;造价比较低, 容易生产,具有较好的市场前景。56475


    Abstract:Frequency is one of the important parameters of electrical signal, this design,firstly introduces the general and equal precision frequency measuring principle, according to the design idea of top-down, the bottom layer module 4 different functions using the top-level design of the overall design of the digital frequency meter in: cnt10 module, LATCH4 module, the decoder module and control module, and Simulation of each module, the output of the simulationwaveform to verify the correctness, period; finally, according to the designbuild top module, completed the design of the entity. The FPGA design of equal precision frequency meter based on relative to the design method of the general design of the frequency meter using modular, making it upgrade and maintenance are very convenient, flexible; small size, low power consumptiondesign of frequency meter, a little change can change the digital frequency meter measuring range, has higher performance and reliability,relatively low cost,easy production, and has good market prospects.

    Key words:frequency meter, the FPGA, the simulation,the bottom module     

    目  录

    1 绪论 4

    1.1 课题研究的背景和意义 4

    1.2 国内外研究现状和发展趋势 5

    2.1 等精度频率计的功能原理 5

    2.1 一般频率计的设计原理 5

    2.2 等精度频率计的设计原理 6

    2.3 等精度频率计的设计优缺点 7

    3 等精度频率计的系统方案设计 7

    3.1 系统的总体设计思路 7

    3.2 计数器模块(cnt10) 8

    3.3 锁存器模块(LATCH4) 8

    3.4 显示模块(decoder) 9

    3.5 控制模块(control) 10

    3.6 等精度频率计的顶层原理图 11

    结  论 13

    参考文献 14

    致谢 15

    附录 16 

    1 绪论

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