摘要近年来,移动终端领域飞速发展,为了给用户带来更智能,更便捷的用户体验,语音识别技术已成为终端开发的重要模块之一。汉语作为世界上最古老的语言之一,历经几千年发展,字库较为庞大,并且存在许多同音不同调的汉字,所以汉字语音识别技术存在着不小的难度。经验模态分解(EMD)是由美国NASA的黄锷博士提出的一种信号分析方法.它依据数据自身的时间尺度特征来进行信号分解,无须预先设定任何基函数。正是由于这样的特点,EMD 方法在理论上可以应用于任何类型的信号的分解, 因而在处理非平稳及非线性数据上,具有非常明显的优势。本文所要提出的就是基于经验模态分解的汉语普通话声调识别。60091
毕业论文关键词 语音识别 汉语声调 基频 经验模态分解
Title Mandarin Chinese tone recognition based on Empirical Mode Decomposition(EMD)
In recent years,mobile terminals developed so fast. In order to give users more intelligent, more convenient user experience, speech recognition technology has become one of terminal development of the important modules.Chinese as one of the oldest languages in the world, after thousands of years development, the character is relatively large, there are many homophones and different tone of Chinese characters, Chinese characters so there is quite a difficult speech recognition technology. Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) is put forward by NASA's Dr Huang E a signal analysis method. It is based on time scale characteristics of the data itself for signal decomposition, do not need to set any basis function in advance. Precisely because of this characteristic, the EMD method in theory can be applied to any type of signal decomposition, and so on processing non-stationary and nonlinear data, has very obvious advantage.In this article to put forward is based on empirical mode decomposition of the mandarin tone recognition.
Keywords speech recognition Chinese Tones fundamental frequency Empirical mode decomposition
1 绪论 1
1.1 普通话声调识别的背景及其研究意义 1
1.3 声调识别处理工具 2
1.4 本文研究的内容和结构 3
2 基频提取的理论依据 3
2.1 语音的产生过程3
2.2 语音信号产生的数字模型4
2.3 基频提取方法5
3 倒谱法经验模式分解(EMD) 5
3.1 倒谱法5
3.2 EMD概述6
3.3 EMD在语音处理中的优势6
3.4 EMD具体算法6
3.5 EMD在声调识别中的应用8
3.6 EMD与传统方法比较9
4 Matlab实现过程 9
4.1 声调识别流程图9
4.2 EMD算法的编程方法10
4.3 声调识别算法11
5 实验及验证 14
结论 22
致谢 23
附录 25
1 绪论
1.1 普通话声调识别的研究背景及其意义
随着科技的进步,计算机和移动终端的发展,人们不断追求更加方便快捷的人机交互方式。语言作为人类最常用的信息交流工具,很自然的让人联想到能否用语言代替键盘,鼠标等传统的输入方式。现阶段已经存在的比较成熟的语音助手有苹果公司的SIRI以及谷歌公司的google now等等。但是由于汉语的特殊性,发音的复杂性,这两款软件在汉语语音识别时有时也不是那么准确。