    摘要GPS 即为全球定位系统,具有全球覆盖、全天候工作等特点。随着 GPS 的升级和新的卫星导航系统的发展,与现存的 BPSK 调制信号相比,BOC 调制方式可以将军民信号频谱分离,是实现 GPS 现代化的重要技术。本文分别对 BPSK调制信号和BOC 调制信号的捕获和跟踪算法进行了研究。 在Matlab 环境下,本论文从 BPSK调制和 BOC 调制信号的仿真生成开始。对于BPSK调制信号,分析常规捕获和跟踪算法的优缺点,得出合适的算法,捕获部分采用基于 FFT 的捕获算法,跟踪部分采用锁频环和锁相环相结合的算法,相应编写了信号捕获和跟踪等程序,对算法进行了软件实现。对于 BOC 调制信号,根据其自相关函数和与 PRN 码的互相关函数的特性,对 ASPeCT 捕获和跟踪算法分别进行了仿真分析。 仿真结果表明,对于 BPSK 调制信号,软件实现的捕获和跟踪算法能够实现对其有效地捕获和跟踪。对于 BOC 调制信号,ASPeCT 捕获算法实现了对信号的有效捕获。10055
    关键词:BPSK 调制   BOC 调制  捕获   跟踪
     Title       Tracking  algorithm   of    GPS    signal              
    GPS is global  positioning system, and which has the characteristics of global
    coverage and all-weather work. With the upgrade and new GPS satellite navigation
    system of development, with the existing BPSK modulation signal is compared, BOC
    modulation mode can be separated and signal spectrum, is to realize modernization
    important technology of GPS.  This paper to BPSK modulation signal and BOC
    modulation signal capture and tracking algorithm.
    In the Matlab environment, this paper, from the BPSK modulation and BOC
    modulation signal generation of simulation began. For BPSK modulation signal,
    routine analysis the advantages and disadvantages of capture and tracking algorithm,
    and concludes that the appropriate algorithm, the capture of the capture of based on
    FFT algorithm, tracking of the lock ring and frequency and phase lock loop
    combination of algorithm, write the corresponding signal capture and tracking
    processes, software realization of the algorithm.  For BOC modulation signal,
    according to its autocorrelation function with PRN yards of each other and shut the
    characteristics of ASPeCT capture and tracking algorithm, the  simulation analysis.
    The simulation results show that, for BPSK modulation signal, the software of the
    realization of the capture and tracking algorithm can achieve the effectively capture
    and tracking. For BOC modulation signal, algorithms to realize the ASPeCT capture
    the signal effectively capture.
    Keywords: BPSK modulation,  BOC modulation,   acquisition,  tracking
    目  次
    1  绪论1
    1.1  GPS 概述1
    1.2  软件接收机简介2
    1.3  本文的研究内容以及组织结构3
    2  导航信号基本理论4
    2.1  BPSK 调制信号(GPS)结构4
    2.2  BOC 调制信号结构4
    2.3  导航信号相关函数特性5
    2.4  BOC 调制信号的优越性6
    2.5  多普勒效应7
    3  导航信号的仿真生成8
    3.1  数字频率合成8
    3.2  导航信号仿真产生8
    3.3  仿真结果分析11
    4  BPSK 调制信号(GPS)捕获算法13
    4.1  串行搜索捕获13
    4.2  并行频率空间和并行码相位搜索捕获14
    4.3  GPS 信号捕获算法软件实现16
    4.4  仿真结果分析17
    4.5  GPS 信号影响捕获的因素19
    5  BOC 调制信号捕获算法20
    5.1  传统捕获方法存在的问题20
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