    摘要:随着现代信息技术的飞速发展以及计算机网络的广泛应用计算机通信技术已经日趋成熟。通过上位机来控制下位机的运行、文护与优化得到了广泛的应用。串行通信是一种广泛使用且实用的通信方式由于具有线路简单、应用灵活、可靠性高等一系列优点长期以来获得了广泛的应用。计算机串行通信在数据通信、故障检测、计算机远程监控等方面有广泛的应用与利用价值特别是在Windows下的串口通信可以充分利用Windows下的软件资源优势实现多任务条件下对外部的数据传输、信息收集和处理。                10350
    系统使用Visual Studio 2010的编程环境来编程。结合.NET Framework类库中提供的SerialPort 类来编写接收来自χ-γ辐射个人报警仪下位机发送的数据。使用microsoft access 2003软件和串口通信类实现了对下位机数据的采集、存储进而对存储数据的分析来了解不同型号机器,在可检测到的辐射量范围内为人们提供一些直观的数据显示表达所检测到的辐射量。
    关键词:Visual Studio 2010;串口通信;监测界面;数据库
    x-γ radiation personal alarm device PC management software
    Abstract:With the rapid development of modern information technology and the wide application of computer network, computer communication technology has become more mature. By using computer to control a machine operation, maintenance and optimization of a wide range of applications. Serial communication is a widely used and practical way of communications, because of the line is simple, flexible application, high reliability, a series of advantages for a long time widely. Computer serial communication in data finance, data communication, fault detection, remote computer monitoring and with extensive practical value, especially under Windows of serial communication can make full use of the resource advantages of the Windows software, realizing multi-duties conditions of external data transmission, information collection and processing.This system using Visual Studio 2010 programming environment to programming. Combined with the.net Framework class library provide SerialPort class to write the cues from χ-γ radiation personal alarm device who the data sent the machine. microsoft access 2003 and serial communication class to achieve a bit machine data collection, storage and thus the analysis of the stored data to understand the different types of machines, within the range of detectable amount of radiation for people to provide some intuitive expression of the detection to the amount of radiation.
    Keywords:Visual Studio 2010;Serial communication;PC;Database
    1绪论    5
    1.1 课题研究背景    5
    1.2 χ-γ辐射个人报警仪国内外研究现状    5
    1.3 课题研究的目的和意义    7
    2 系统总体设计    8
    2.1 系统总体方案描述    8
    2.2 系统设计原则与要求    8
    3.1 开发语言与开发环境简介    9
    3.1.1 c#语言和.NET Framework    9
    3.1.2 Visual Studio 2010 简介    9
    4上位机软件的编程实现过程    11
    4.1 上位机软件串口编程实现    11
    4.1.1 SerialPort类    11
    4.1.2 串口通信接口定义    14
    4.1.3 串口通信协议    15
    4.1.4 同、异步串行通信协议描述    15
    4.1.5 串行通信的基本参数    17
    4.2 上位级软件数据库实现    18
    4.2.1 Microsoft Office Access    18
    4.2.2 动态生成数据库    19
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