Design of LTE Co - frequency Network Scheme for Rail Transit
ABSTRACT:rail transit in our daily life has played a significant role in people's lives can not be separated from the rail transit, with the development of the city, more and more track lines are established, of course, the daily operation of rail transit can not do without Signal support, whether it is a communication signal, a control signal or a traffic signal。 Rail traffic daily traffic is nearly 10 million people, the number of users also means that the signal bandwidth utilization is also increased, but we all know, the signal spectrum resources are limited, so the design of the network program It is necessary to take into account both to meet the signal bandwidth, interference is small, the stability is better, the number of users to access and so on。
The networking frequency of the same frequency is high, the interference is large, the system capacity is small, and the system capacity of the different frequency network is large, but the requirement for the frequency resource is very high。 Because TD-LTE uses a relatively high carrier frequency, and the user's edge of the campus transmission rate is relatively high, in the city of large-scale I do not know the cellular site will be unable to avoid the same frequency interference challenges, but the same As mentioned before, the spectrum of resources is limited, so the subject around the same frequency network approach, rather than different frequency networking。
This paper mainly focuses on two aspects: the reduction of interference between LTE base station design and the later period of the rail transit。 In view of the interference situation of four kinds of co-frequency networks in the rail transit network, the appropriate co-frequency is studied from the theoretical point of view Network of programs, and through the appropriate basis to properly prove。
Key words: same frequency network; interference avoidance
1 绪论 1
1。1 课题的目的和意义 1
1。3 发展趋势 2