    关键词:自动对星 步进电机 单片机
    Automatic tracking circuit design for TV antenna
    Abstract:The star technology refers to the satellite antenna and communication of geostationary satellite alignment, contact with the establishment, process for establishing communication channel. For synchronous satellite, as long as the earth station location determination, pitch angle and the azimuth adjustment angle of satellite antenna can achieve the purpose of the star, the star, is the antenna reach the best state, accept the signal to the best extent.
    Ordinary fixed earth WeiXing Railway Station, the antenna is the antenna to rotate, pitch angle and the azimuth angle of the specific. Generally speaking, when the satellite antenna alignment, don't frequent change, adjust if necessary can use special equipment and professional personnel to complete. Therefore generally do not use automatic satellite technology.
    The automatic satellite refers to, in the absence of professional personnel, professional instrument case. According to the input of the star information, automatic acquisition of antenna attitude and antenna point star need geographic information, and then through the software develop process to realize the reasonable. Finally realized automatically executing mechanism to complete the operation, establish a communication channel. The general use of the car, mobile and real-time mobile on the ship.
    Keyword:The automatic satellite stepper motor microcontroller
    1  绪论    4
    1.1研究背景    4
    1.2国内外研究现状    7
    系统总体设计    12
    2.1自动对星原理    12
    2.2系统组成    12
    2.3 系统模型    12
    3  单片机控制部分    14
    3.1单片机的产生背景    14
    3.2单片机的基本组成    14
    3.3 芯片介绍    15
    3.4单片机的应用    17
    4  驱动控制部分    20
    4.1 驱动控制器uln2003    20
    4.2uln2003功能特点:    20
    4.3应用电路:    26
    4.4uln2003管脚    28
    5  高频调谐器    30
    5.1高频调谐器的定义    30
    5.2高频调谐器的电路组成    31
    5.3高频调谐器的分类    34
    5.4高频调谐器的性能要求    35
    6    总结    40
    7    致谢    42
    参考文献    43
    1  绪论
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