    关键词:语音识别; LD3320芯片;智能点歌;LED显示

    Title Intelligent Control System Based on Speech Recognition                    
    Speech recognition technology is an important application of speech signal processing technology and the key to realize voice-controlled technology. Nowadays the Human-Computer Interaction of natural voice is the hot and difficult point in speech recognition research fields. This paper introduces the design of the intelligent voice-controlled system based on the LD3320 chip designed by ICRoute company and the STC10L08XE MCU. It also tells how to realize the function of requesting songs and displaying 8×8 LED with this system and the experimental result turned out to be wonderful.
    Firstly, the paper introduces the speech recognition technology about the basic concepts, related theories, development and current situation. Then, it presents the basic function, hardware structure and drive means of LD3320. The structure of the system and the hardware and software design of MCU module have been related in detail. After slight alteration, the system could be applied to intelligent guides, homes, and various kinds of electronic products, etc. It has immense potential and a brilliant future in the application field.
    Keywords:Speech recognition;LD3320 chip;Song-selecting;LED display
     目   次
    1  引言    1
    2  语音识别技术    1
    2.1  语音识别的基本概念    1
    2.2  语音识别的基本方法    2
    2.3  语音识别的发展及现状    3
    2.3.1  国际语音识别技术的发展及现状    3
    2.3.2  国内语音识别技术的发展及现状    4
    2.4  存在的问题和发展方向    5
    3  语音识别芯片    6
    3.1  LD3320工作原理    6
    3.2  LD3320硬件数据    8
    3.3  LD3320驱动程序    10
    3.3.1  涉及到的一般函数说明    10
    3.3.2  语音识别    11
    3.3.3  声音播放    14
    4  智能控制系统    18
    4.1  相关芯片和协议介绍    18
    4.1.1  STC10L08XE单片机    18
    4.1.2  串口转并口芯片    19
    4.1.3  SPI接口协议    20
    4.2  硬件电路设计    22
    4.3  软件设计部分    23
    4.3.1  对关键词的宏定义    23
    4.3.2  部分重要代码    24
    4.4  测试结果    27
    结  论    29
    致  谢    30
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