    关键词  底排弹  火箭弹  底排火箭复合增程弹  弹道特性 弹道特征点
    Title  The visual flight trajectory of remote missile based on
     radar tracking data                                 
    This paper summarized the development history of the extended-range projectile—the base bleed projectile、rocket extended-range projectile and hybrid base bleed rocket extended range projectile.  understanding the mechanism of action of the common projectile、base bleed projectile、rocket extended-range projectile and hybrid base bleed rocket extended range projectile .  We analyzed four kinds of projectiles’ trajectory characteristics and ballistic characteristic points.  Through the VB platform , we made program, according to the existing radar data to get the dynamic display of the projectile’s trajectory and the changement of the ballistic parameters. At the same time , the projectiles’ trajectory characteristic point were shown, On the basis of some type projectile data, we verified the program ,and got the projectile flight trajectory .so we certificated program can meet the requirements of the realization of The flight of the projectile trajectory.
    Keywords  the base bleed projectile ;rocket extended-range projectile ; hybrid base bleed rocket extended range projectile ; projectile’s trajectory characteristics ; ballistic characteristic points;
     目   次
    1. 绪论    1
    1.1 选题背景    1
    1.2 课题的主要研究内容及方法    6
    1.3 本文主要内容    6
    2. 弹丸飞行弹道特性介绍    7
    2.1普通弹丸飞行弹道特性    7
    2.2底排增程弹飞行弹道特性    8
    2.3火箭增程弹飞行弹道特性    10
    2.4底排—火箭复合增程弹飞行弹道特性    11
    3. 跟踪雷达数据特征分析及弹道特征点分析    11
    3.1 跟踪雷达数据特征分析    11
    3.2 弹道特征点分析说明    11
    3.2.1 普通弹丸弹道特征点分析    11
    3.2.2 底排弹弹道特征点分析    11
    3.2.3 火箭弹弹道特征点分析    11
    3.2.4 底排火箭复合增程弹弹道特征点分析    11
    4. 远程弹动态飞行轨迹可视化设计    11
    4.1 VB编程语言简介    11
    4.2 程序功能总述    11
    4.3 程序功能实现    11
    4.3.1数据筛选原则    11
    4.3.2平面坐标系建立    11
    4.3.3时统匹配原则的实现    11
    4.3.4弹道特征点标示    11
    4.3.5弹丸模型化实现    11
    4.3.6 程序完善    11
    4.4 算例验证    11
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