
    FileCameraParameter                    ..\\camera_parameter_files\\cam_param_champagne.txt  # Name of text file which includes camera parameters

    BaselineBasis                          1                # 0...minimum baseline, 1...maximum baseline, 2...left baseline, 3...right baseline
    Precision                              1                # 1...Integer-pel, 2...Half-pel, 4...Quater-pel
    SearchLevel                            1                # 1...Integer-pel, 2...Half-pel, 4...Quater-pel
    Filter                                 1                # 0...(Bi)-linear, 1...(Bi)-Cubic, 2...MPEG-4 AVC 6-tap
    MatchingMethod                         0                # 0...Conventional, 1...Disparity-based, 2...Homography-based, 3...Soft-segmentation-based

    #========== Temporal Enhancement ==========
    TemporalEnhancement                    1                # 0...Off, 1...On
    Threshold                              2.00             # Threshold of MAD

    #========== Size of Matching Block (ignored when MatchingMethod = 3) ==========
    MatchingBlock                         3                 # 1...Pixel matching, 3...3x3 block matching

    #========== Softsegmentation (for MatchingMethod = 3 only) ==========
    SoftDistanceCoeff                      10.0             # SoftSegmentation Distance Coefficient
    SoftColorCoeff                         20.0             # SoftSegmentation Color Coefficient
    SoftBlockWidth                         11               # SoftSegmentation Block Width
    SoftBlockHeight                        11               # SoftSegmentation Block Height
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