


    Study of Korean wedding customs and culture 


       Under the theory of harmonious society, the construction of “beautiful China”, achieving " Chinese dream "at present, custom became a valuable source and foundation of a nation's cultural value. Traditional culture entails deep culture psychology and national emotion. Using the method of researching, comparing test and the survey procedure, plowing through all the documents .analyses the connotation meaning of the Korean traditional wedding, symbols, experiences the change and inheriting of the meaning of research, function the significance to explore the Korean traditional wedding.,as well as at different times ,the changes of traditional Korean wedding, find out the issues in the process. What’s more ,from the perspective of protecting intangible cultural heritage ,finding a better way for the Korean traditional wedding culture and morality goes down generation by generation. 

    Keyword:  Korean  , marriage custom culture ;intangible cultural heritage


    0 引言 1

    1 研究背景 1

        1.1 资料来源与研究方法 1

    1.2朝鲜族从朝鲜半岛迁入中国的背景及过程 2

    1.3朝鲜族文化构建过程 3

    2 朝鲜族传统婚礼概述 4

    2.1 朝鲜族传统婚礼表现形式 4

    2.3 朝鲜族婚礼仪式的内涵意义 6

    2.4朝鲜族传统婚礼中的符号象征 7

    3 朝鲜族传统婚礼的变迁 8

    3.1朝鲜族传统婚礼随时代发展的文化变迁 8

    3.2 朝鲜族传统婚礼在变迁中产生的问题 11

    3.3 朝鲜族传统婚礼产生文化变迁的原因 12

    4 朝鲜族传统婚俗文化传承的价值 13

    4.1朝鲜族传统婚俗的功能 13

    4.2 非物质文化遗产 14

    4.3 朝鲜族传统婚礼传承的建议 15

    结束语 17

    致    谢 18

    参考文献 19


    0 引言


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