摘  要:嘉靖五年以后,形成了黄河入泗夺淮的局面,针对这一情况,由原来的避黄行运开始了借黄行运。在以保漕为目的的基础上,借黄济运被作为明前期的主要工程任务。黄河水在一定时期为徐、淮间的运河提供了顺利通航所需水量。本文所提及的“借黄济运”是指上自茶城、下到清口这段运道,即所谓的河漕,总共五百多里,此段运河是明代大运河非常重要的一个组成部分,其水源主要来自黄河,以此保证徐州到淮安运道水量的充沛。但黄河多泥沙,容易淤塞运道,甚至冲毁长堤发生洪灾,处理好黄河“善徙、善决、善淤”的问题便成为徐州到淮安段运河的主要任务。在借黄济运的措施下,治河与保运密不可分,河道与漕运的关系密不可分,河道的通畅与否直接影响到漕运的进行,。明代朝廷就徐州到淮安段运道的特殊情况的问题,在“浚淤、堤防建设和维修、河道管理制度”等方面强化了管理,使得河道淤塞与通航水量不足的问题的解决取得了一定的成效。特别是治水专家潘季驯将治水与治漕紧密相连,提出“筑堤束水,以水攻沙”的策略,保证了漕粮运输无阻。同时,明廷为了防止黄河泛滥对漕运产生不利影响,创建了严格的“行漕法规”以及闸坝启闭制度。明代由此建立了一套全面的河道管理制度与漕运管理制度。631746
Abstract :After Jiajing five years, it has formed the situation that the Yellow River went into the Si River in order to seize the Huai River. Aiming at this situation, it began to borrow Huang River to have a fortune. In order to protect tank, borrowing Huang River to have a fortune was taken as the main project of the early stage of the Ming task.  The Huang River Provided the needed water for the canal between Xuzhou and Huaian in a certain period. The mentioned ‘borrowing Huang River to have a fortune” in this article refers to the canal from Cha city to Qingkou. The so-called cao river has five hundred miles. This section of the canal is very important a part of its water in Ming dynasty. The water is mostly from the Yellow River in order to ensure the canal from Xuzhou to Huaian to have enough water. But the Yellow River has a lot of silt and easily destroyed the canal. Dealing with the problem of the Yellow River becomes the main task of the canal from Xuzhou to Huaian. Under the measures of “borrowing Huang River to have fortune”, the river regulation is closely connected with the confirmed shipment. The river way is closely connected with the grain transportation. The river channel is unobstructed or not directly affects the grain transportation. Ming dynasty government strengthened the regulation on the parts of embankment construction and river management system and so on. It made the river silt and navigable water shortage have achieved a certain effect on the solution of the problem. Especially water conservancy expert jixun Pan made the water conservancy closely linked to manage grain transportation. He put forward strategy of "attacking sand embankment and water beam” in order to guaranteed the tribute rice transport. At the same time, in order to prevent the Yellow River flood harmful to grain transportation, Ming Destiny created the strict "grain transportation regulation" and sites for opening and closing system.  Ming dynasty established a comprehensive management system for river and grain transportation management system.
Key Words:  The late period of Ming; Embankment; Gate dam; River management; Grain transportation management
前言    3
一、 借黄济运的历史成因    4
二、借黄济运与河道的治理    5









