关键词 径向偏振光 聚焦 光谱
Title Nonuniform focusing polarization spectral characteristics of radially polarized beam
With the development of society, the laser is widely used in various fields of industrial and scientific research in recent years, due to various fields of laser technology requirements increase, uniform polarized light has been unable to meet production need. A recent study found, polarized electric vector with axial symmetry has irreplaceable advantages in physics and materials processing, and the radially polarized beam and angular polarized electric vector has exactly the axisymmetric characteristics, so it has received extensive attention of scholars at home and abroad. Radially polarized perfect axial symmetry, which compared with the linearly polarized laser and circularly polarized light has many different characteristics. In order to meet the requirement of modern industry and the field of social science, studies on non uniform radially polarized light is particularly important.
Keywords Radially polarized beam focus optical spectrum