毕业论文关键词 干涉,衍射,发展史,全息光学元件,应用;
Abstract:Optic holography was known as a completely new optical imaging tecnique.The amplitude and phase information of the irradiated object was recorded by means of interference and diffraction, that made the recorded objects show its three-dimensional images, which can be observed from any angle. Holography to be referred to the recording and reproduction of objects’ wavefront information. Hologram was contained all the objects’ information which is recorded or the amplitude and phase information needed to reproduce objects. The imaging by optical lens of Holography was different from that of common photography, so it would widely used in new optical display, industrial applications, information storage and many other aspects.Optic holography’s types and development of holograms would be introduced in this thesis, its superiority to the traditional optical holography would be highlighted, and the application of holographic optical would be introduced.
Key words:Interference, diffraction, history of development, holographic optical elements, application;
目 录
1 引言 6
2 原理 6
2.1 光学全息的基本原理 6
2.1.1 光的相干 6
2.1.2 光的衍射 8
2.2 全息图的分类 11
2.3 光学全息的发展与特点 12
2.3.1 全息的发展 12
2.3.2 全息光学的特点 12
3 全息光学的应用 13
3.1 全息显示——平面全息平视显示器 13
3.2 全息扫描 14
3.3 全息地图 15
3.4 小型全息数据处理器 15
结论 16
参考文献 17
1 引言
全息术来源于Denis.Gabor的伽柏设想——在不用传统透镜的条件下,通过物体的电子衍射制成一张曝光照片——全息图。在这张曝光的照片中,它包括物体振幅、相位、波长在内的全部信息,然后用可见光照射该曝光照片得到一个放大的物体像。因为光的波长要比电子波长大数个数量级,因此在再现时物体的放大率就可以有很大的倍数而不会出现像差,从而获得比较高的分辨率。于是在1948年伽柏试验并证明了他的设想,从而在光学中开创了一个全新的领域,也因为这一成就伽柏获得1971年的诺贝尔物理学奖 。