摘要近年来,核能发电为人类提供了大量的清洁能源,很大程度上减轻了人类现在所面 临的能源紧缺问题。但随着几次人类史上重大的核电事故的发生,让人们不得不去考虑 核电的安全性及产生的放射性物质对环境和人类健康所造成的危害,其中危害较大的是 核电烟囱排放的气态流出物。我国 2010 年以前建成的核设施,烟囱气载流出物监测系统 均依照《气载放射性物质取样的一般原则》 ISO2889 和《核设施烟囱和管道释放气载放 射性物质的取样和监测》ANSI N13。1 旧标准进行设计和建造,所以未进行过取样点代表 性的模型试验和实际烟囱试验。74526

本文以核电站烟囱作为研究对象,利用模型验证的试验方法,主要从气流速度分布 均匀性、气体平均气旋角 θ 分布均与性和示踪气溶胶浓度分布均匀性三个方面进行试验, 验证取样截面污染物混合均匀性问题。通过对烟囱模型两个取样截面各项数据进行测量, 得出气流速度、气旋角、示踪气溶胶浓度分布均匀性均符合国际标准。

毕业论文关键词 核电站烟囱 烟囱模型 气溶胶 取样代表性

毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 外 文 摘 要

Title The verification of Nuclear Power Plant Chimney model tracing aerosol uniformity 。

Abstract Recent years, nuclear power has provided a lot of clean energy which reduce the energy shortage problem which we are facing greatly。 But with the happening of several major human history of nuclear accidents, people have to consider the hazards of nuclear industry and it is radioactive material produced to the environment as well as human health。 Which can cause great harm is gaseous effluent in nuclear power emissions。 Chimney airborne effluent monitoring systems of nuclear facilities built before 2010 in China are in accordance with the "sampling airborne radioactive material general principles" ISO2889 and old standards of the "release of airborne radioactive material and nuclear facilities chimney pipe sampling and monitoring" ANSI N13。1 in designing and construction。 So it did not conduct sampling point representative model test and practical test chimney。

This paper take nuclear power plant chimney as a research object, using the method of model validation test。 Mainly test through the uniformity of air velocity and average gas cyclone angle θ profiles and tracing aerosol distribution these three aspects and verify the issues of cross-sectional mixing pollutants sampling。 Through the measured data of the two chimney model sectional sampling , we get that airflow velocity and cyclone angle as well as tracing aerosol concentration uniformity are in line with international standards。

Keywords: nuclear power plant; chimney chimneys model; representation of aerosol sampling。

1 绪论 1

1。1 研究背景 1

1。2 国内外研究现状 2

1。3 研究目的 3

1。4 本实验所研究问题 4

1。5 本课题拟采用研究方法和结构 4

2 建立试验模型 6

2。1 烟囱代表性试验基础知识 6

2。2 比例模型的要求 6

2。3 模型建立 7












