摘要如今,中国的造船业正处于飞黄腾达的时期,造船业的发展离不开船用发电机的 不断进步与完善。船用电机应用在造船业的方方面面,小到嵊泗列岛的捕鱼船,大到 东海舰队的军舰。现在的船用电机正向着大容量大规模发展。随着电机功率的提高以 及容量的增大,船用电机内部的物理场变得越来越复杂,因此对其内部物理场的耦合 分析的意义在于为电机的优化与发展提供重要的理论依据。84146

虽然船用电机内部的物理场处在一个不断变化的环境,但其温度场是船用电机稳 定性、安全性、可靠性最直观的体现。故本文以温度场为核心展开研究,目的就在于 得到船用电机在稳态运行工况时的温度分布情况。

从选题可以看出本文的中心点在于磁场与温度场的耦合计算,显然这两物理场的 耦合计算只能模拟理论上的情况,并不能精确模拟电机的实际情况。如果仅采用单独 分析,虽然会在计算上更加精确,但不能得到真实的模拟情况。故本文首先采用 Maxwell 来对计算模型进行磁场分析,并对气隙进行单独分析,将结果中的电磁损耗 作为生热率加载到 ANSYS 中的 steady-state thermal 中。随后利用 Fluent 来对转子冷 却流道进行单独分析,将所得到的结果通过顺序耦合的方式也加载到稳态热力分析中, 完成流-磁-热的耦合分析。

通过研究发现:气隙是电磁传导过程中不可或缺的部分,气隙的大小直接影响到 发电机的效率。转子冷却风道对于定子中段的冷却效果相当好。如果除去冷却流道的 影响,可以发现定子中段在运行过程中温度相当高,这是影响电机稳定运行的关键所 在。


Abstract At present , China’s shipbuilding industry is in the period of the apprentice。 The development of the shipbuilding industry is without the constant  progress  and improvement of the Marine generator。 Marine motor is used in every aspect of the shipbuilding industry。 At the small aspect is chengsi island fishing boats。 At the big aspect is the East China Sea fleet of warships。 The presented Marine motor is developing into the direction of large motor。 With the improvement of motor power as well as the increasing

capacity, the physical field of the Marine motor is becoming more and more complex。 For coupling analysis of the significance lies in its internal physical fields for the optimization and development of motor is to provide important basis of theory。

Although the physical field of the Marine motor is in a constantly changing environment, But its temperature field is the most intuitive reflect of Marine motor stability, security, reliability。 Basing on the core study of temperature field, The purpose is to get temperature distribution in steady state operating conditions of the Marine motor。

we can see from the topic of this paper that the center is coupling calculation of the magnetic field and temperature field。 Obviously the two physical fields coupling calculation only can simulate theory。 We cannot simulate the actual situation of the machine。 If only use analysis alone, though it is more accurate in calculation, but can't get real simulation。 Therefore , this thesis uses Maxwell to analysis magnetic field calculated model for the air gap。 The loss of electromagnetic will be used as heat production rate to load in ANSYS steady-state thermal。 Then using the Fluent software to separate analysis of rotor cooling flow channel, the result will use order coupling ways to load in ANSYS steady-state thermal, to complete flow - magnetic - thermal coupling analysis。

Through the study found that the air gap is an integral part of the electromagnetic transmission process, the size of the air gap affects the efficiency of the generator directly。 The stator rotor cooling air affect middle of the stator is quite good。 If remove the influence of the cooling flow, it can be found that in the middle of the stator’s temperature is very high in the operation process, it is the key to affect motor’s stable operation

















