摘要:新闻栏目是地方电视台的工作重心,办好电视新闻栏目是地方电视台生存和发展的关键。本文针对我国市县级地方电视台进行研究,首先综述了地方电视台新闻栏目的现状,并对当前地方电视台新闻栏目存在的栏目形式单一、制作粗糙、内容呆板、同质化等问题进行详细分析。总结出,地方电视台新闻栏目要想在激烈竞争中,占据一席之位,就必须高度适应电视业迅速发展的浪潮,坚持不创新,满足广大受众需求,在突出地方特色的同时,广开视角,精化采、编、播,增强新闻可视性,充分探讨、深挖新闻事件。21553 毕业论文关键词:地方电视台;新闻栏目;受众需求
The Theory of Local Television News Innovation Strategy
Abstract: news is a main work of local television stations, do a good job in TV news is the key to the existence and development of the local TV station. this paper aim at cities and counties level TV station in China, the first local television news section, the paper summarized the present situation, and existing in the current local television news column form a single, poorly made, content is inflexible, homogeneity and other issues for detailed analysis. Sum up, local television news program to be in the fierce competition, occupy a place, must be highly adapt to the wave of television industry rapid development, adhere to continuous innovation, satisfy the audience demand, the prominent local characteristics at the same time, broaden audience vision, refine collect, compile, broadcast, enhance visibility, full explore, dig the news events.
Key Words: local television stations; the news column; the audience needs
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