摘 要:近几年来电视民生新闻受到观众的喜爱,但在其发展过程中却出现了媚俗化的倾向,这不仅弱化了民生新闻的品质,而且在其传播过程中也损害了受众的利益。本论文主要针对电视民生新闻中出现的媚俗化倾向进行全面的论述。主要从电视民生新闻标题的刺激性强、内容趣性浓、煽情手法频繁以及负面报道过多四个方面来展示民生新闻的媚俗化倾向的表现;并进一步从媒体、市场等多个方面分析出现这种现象的原因;最后针对性的提出解决的策略,以期能够让电视民生新闻健康发展。6787
The Research on tendency of vulgarization in TV people's livelihood news
Abstract:In recent years, TV news of people’s livelihood has been popular with TV spectators, but the tendency of Vulgarization appears in the process of its development, which has not only weakened the quality of livelihood news, but damaged the public’s benefit during its spreading process. The purpose of this paper is to have a general discussion about the tendency of vulgarization in TV news of people’s livelihood. Firstly, this paper reveals the manifestation of the tendency of vulgarization in TV news of people’s livelihood according to the strong stimulation of the headline, deep interest in the context, too many sensational tactics and numerous negative reports in the TV news of people’s livelihood. Secondly, it analyzes the cause of this phenomenon from the aspects of the media and the market etc. Finally, in order to maintain the TV news of people’s livelihood a sound development, it puts forward the targeted solving strategies.
Key words:TV news of people’s livelihood;Vulgarization;audience rating;News values
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