The living Space And Development Trend of "Theme Wedding Host"
Abstract: With the development of society, the themed wedding is taking over the position of traditional wedding and stepping into people's life。 There are large differences in demands to wedding hosts due to every couple's different characters, professions, love experiences, culture backgrounds, and family environments。 This paper, which is oriented to themed wedding hosts, firstly described the development proceeding and types of themed wedding hosts; And then it depicted the themed wedding hosts' living space and themed wedding hosts' characteristics, including their spirit of innovation, special hosting style in inpidualization and keen sprit of fashion。 Finally, the disadvantages of themed wedding hosts were pointed out, and the development tendency of themed wedding hosts were presented。 The themed wedding hosts should perfect themselves completely, improve their own professional accomplishment, be responsible to the new couples and themselves and give a perfect performance to every themed wedding, the full parts of which are required。
Keywords: themed wedding; host; inpidualization; communication
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract。 1
一、“主题婚礼”主持人的发展历程和类型 2
二、“主题婚礼”主持人的生存空间 3
(一)社会发展快,物质增长带动精神需求 3
(二)市场需求大,人才匮乏 4
(三)新人希冀高,渴求个性化婚礼 4
三、“主题婚礼”主持人的特点 5
(一)不断创新的精神 5
(二)独树一帜的个性化主持风格 5
(三)敏锐的时尚感 6
四、“主题婚礼”主持人的不足 6
(一)过分表现婚礼主题,忽略新人主角地位 6
(二)对于婚礼主题的构思不新颖 7
(三)对于婚礼主题的细节把握不精准 8
五、“主题婚礼”主持人的发展趋势 8
(一)适度表现婚礼主题,强化新人主角意识 8