摘 要:电视民生新闻作为我国本土的“大众化”新闻,自创办以来,一直以其独特的表达方式受到大多数观众的接受与喜爱。本文通过文献研究与案列分析等方法,以电视民生新闻节目主持人主持的风格特点为研究对象,并针对一些不足之处提出优化策略。认为民生新闻节目主持人除了要有通俗易懂、平等交流、独特新颖和以人为本的表达方式外,还要注意不要一味模仿,不要停留表面和随意过度。另外,民生新闻节目主持人还要有较强的语言规范性,自身的独特魅力以及新闻的深度报道。只有这样才能使电视民生新闻节目的未来有着更好的发展前景。82973
Study on the Style of TV Host of TV People’s Livelihood News
Abstract:Television news of people's livelihood as news of the popularization of China's local, since its inception, has been with unique expression way by most audience can acceptance and love。 This paper through the methods of literature research and case analysis and so on, to the television livelihood of the people news presenters presided over the style characteristics as the research object and aiming at some shortcomings proposed optimization strategy。 That expression of people's livelihood news presenters in addition to express straightaway, equal exchange, unique and novel and people-oriented, but also pay attention to the don't blindly imitate, don't stop surface and with meaning excessive。 In addition, the livelihood of the people news presenters should also have a strong language specification of itself ,the unique charm of the news and the depth of the report。 Only in this way can make the future of television news programs on the people's livelihood have a better future。
Keywords:TV news of people's livelihood;Popularization;The style of presentation
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、电视民生新闻节目概述 2
(一)电视民生新闻概念界定 2
(二)电视民生新闻节目发展历程 2
二、电视民生新闻节目主持人风格特点 3
(一)口语化表达,通俗易懂 3
(二)平民化态度,平等交流 4
(三)个性化语言,独特新颖 4
(四)情感化展现,以人为本 5
三、电视民生新闻节目主持人主持风格不足之处 5
(一)停留表明,缺乏深度 6
(二)语言随意,缺乏规范 6
(三)一味模仿,缺乏新意 7
四、电视民生新闻节目主持人主持风格的优化策略 7
(一)加强报道深度 7
(二)增强语言规范 8
(三)打造独特魅力 8
参考文献 10