
    2.5 The Connotation of :)
    After the “framing” is correctly decoded, the next step is analyzing the connotation of the :). It’s a smiling face, which suggests that the writer is happy in some way. At least at first sight it can be said that it is a positive signal, not at all a negative one.

    It’s common sense that a smiling face is a positive sign. But still, a :) added to a sentence must have some deeper meaning than just “I’m happy”. To explain these, the results from denotation and connotation are not sufficient. We need to further apply the concept of myth:

    “The first (denotative) order (or level) of signification is seen as primarily representational and relatively self-contained. The second (connotative) order of signification reflects “expressive” values which are attached to a sign. In the third (mythological or ideological) order of signification the sign reflects major culturally-variable concepts underpinning a particular worldview.” (Chandler, sem06.html)
    2.6 Myth
    The :) which has been decoded as a smiling human face, brings some positive signal. However, as an essential element of texts in computer-mediated communication, there should be something more to be analyzed than just “the author is happy”. So what does it really mean, and how it is commonly “framed” by the recipient as the way the writer wants it to be understood?

    The key to having the sign :) making sense lies in myth:

    “Myths can be seen as extended metaphors. Like metaphors, myths help us to make sense of our experiences within a culture” (Chandler, sem06.html)

    Usually when understanding the Internet emoticons used in an online message, they are interpreted as some special added features. They are not simply taken as a message “I am happy”, but differ a lot in different situations. This means: a smiling face not necessarily stands for friendliness or happiness. It might also mean falseness, a hidden lie, etiquette or simply superficiality.

    Therefore, the only way how the smiley is making sense is through myth. In the previous two steps, it is already interpreted as a smiling face, but without any valuable meaning. Here myth (the context) is the decisive aspect that makes it not only being a sign, but a meaningful sign.
    3 A Pragmatic Analysis of Internet Emoticons
    Emoticons enrich our computer-mediated communication. But what role do emoticons play in network communication? This chapter presents a further study of the emoticons from the pragmatical perspective.

    Before the pragmatical functions and processes of how emoticons are generated and interpreted, there are some basic concepts in communication.

    3.1 Verbal and Nonverbal Communication
    In general, verbal communication refers to our use of words while nonverbal communication refers to communication that occurs through means other than words, such as body language, gestures, and silence. Both verbal and nonverbal communication can be spoken and written. Many people mistakenly assume that verbal communication refers only to spoken communication. However, this is not the real case. Let’s say you tell a friend a joke and he or she laughs in response. Is the laughter verbal or nonverbal communication? As laughter is not a word we would consider this vocal act as a form of nonverbal communication. For simplification, the box below highlights the kinds of communication that fall into the various categories.

        Verbal Communication    Nonverbal Communication
    Oral    Spoken Language    Laughing, Crying, Coughing, etc.
    Non Oral    Written Language/Sign Language    Gestures, Body Language, etc.

    3.2 The Differences between Verbal and Nonverbal
    For better understanding which part emoticons belong to, their differences would have to be analyzed.
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