Bibliography 20 

An Ecological Study on Rachel Carson’s Marine Trilogy

An Ecological Study on Rachel Carson’s Marine Trilogy

I。 Introduction

Rachel Carson (May 27, 1907-April 14, 1964) is an American marine biologist。 Her work Silent Spring makes the United States even all over the world take part in the actions of environmental protection。

In 1941 she published her first book Under the Sea Wind。 In 1948, she wrote a monograph called The Sea Around Us on the development of natural science about the sea based on the latest scientific research。 And Carson published The Edge of the Sea in 1955。 The three books are Carson’s most wonderfully crafted books called Marine Trilogy。

It is the first time that Carson has won magnificent achievements because of Marine Trilogy。 They were also steppingstones to promote her creation to the prime period of her literary career, which tells the story of marine。 The first book, Under the Sea Wind, is about the creatures in the sea。 And this book is written in narrative form, the specialty is that the viewpoint of the book is from fish to other creatures。  The realm that the book portrays totally is how the sea looks and feels to these creatures, and no humans come into the holy place except from the fishes’ viewpoint as predators and destroyers。 The Sea Around Us talks about the rich natural resources and living creature in the sea。 In this book, people can learn the precious scientific information of the sea and appreciate the poetic language that Carson uses。 According to Mary。 A。 McCay, clearly the approach that Carson takes, writing a series of beautiful word portraits of the sea in different settings and poses, integrated with a meticulous scientific accuracy, important scientific information, and a poetic sense of the sea gives her book a rare harmony (McCay, 1993:50)。 Carson conceives of her third book as a sort of field guide to the flora and fauna of the shore。 Even in her books, she gives readers a sense of the largeness of the sea and its connection with the land.

Based on the famous books, this thesis wants to analyze the deep relationships between the sea or nature and humans。 This thesis consists of six parts。 Part One is the simple introduction to Carson and her books Marine trilogy。 Part Two is the introduction to ecologism。 Based on the main idea of ecologism, this part deeply introduces the development of ecologism and the importance of ecologism in literature。 Then, Part Three emphasizes the beautiful scenery and rich creatures in the sea。 Based on the introduction of sea, humans live on and love the sea。 The following Part Four is concerned with the destruction upon the sea caused by humans。 Based on the description of creatures, there are contradictions between the sea and humans。 Then Part Five is the harmonious co-existence in the new time after contradictions。 In this part, people gradually realize their faults and have a totally fresh idea about environmental protection。 The last part is the conclusion of the whole paper。论文网

II。 The Introduction to Ecologism

2。1 The Development of Ecologism

Ecologism, also known as the green politics (Greenpolitics), Environmental politics (Ecologicalpolitics) and ecological politics。 It is a new political and ideological trend that was developed in the European and American developed capitalist countries。 In the pursuit of harmony between humans and nature as the goal, ecologists oppose the traditional political system and economic development within different groups, different classes, different races and different countries。

Ecologism rising in the West started in 1970s in the true sense。 It is originated from the double crisis of environment and spirit that human faced in contemporary society。 The core is to explore the relationship between man and nature。 But as the scope of ecologism gradually becomes increasingly large, it covers political, economic, social systems, gender relations, and culture。 As Brain Baxter says: 













