
    In this novel, the protagonist, Dick’s life experience and tragic life aroused readers’ deep concern and sympathy. It is quite valuable to explore the psychology and personality of the protagonist in order to understand his tragic fate in the novel. There are only a few essays which are about the tragedy of the protagonist in the novel, and there is no systematical analysis on the reason from the character of the protagonist himself. So this paper aims to explore the reasons for the tragic fate of Dick Diver from the two perspectives: the character of Dick and the social circumstances. And also the enlightenment is to be clarified to the people in modern society.
    This paper will analyze the main factors that lead to the tragedy of Dick from the following parts. Firstly, it introduces the author and his work. Then it analyzes the reasons for the tragic fate of Dick Diver. The emphasis of this paper is systematically on the combination of both the social circumstances and the hero’s complex character. And another major focus of this paper is the implications of this novel to modern society.

    II. Fitzgerald and His Work

    2.1 About the Author
    F. Scott Fitzgerald occupies an important position among American enduring novelists as one of the “great” writers of the 1920s. He was born on September 24th, 1896, in Saint Patti, Minnesota, America. In 1913, he entered Princeton University with the financial help of his aunt. He was active at college and took part in many activities and organizations. But he often had an inferiority complex about his background and admired the life of the rich. Fitzgerald did not concentrate on his lessons and never graduated. In 1917, he joined the army. During his term of military service, he fell in love with Zelda, a lady who was born in a rich and powerful family. Excited by fame and success after the publication of his first novel This Side of Paradise, Fitzgerald married Zelda in New York. Later, abundant materials of his novels were from the character of his wife Zelda and the extravagant life with her.
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