Syntactic Choices in the Translation of Marine English

I。 Introduction

Studies on marine English translation are rare in academic journals。 People would rather choose to study the translation of literature, because it seems not that difficult as technical English。

Due to the rapid development of our modern society and the deepen integration of the global economy, English for science and technology gains more and more attention from the scientific community and language community。 Because of the unique feature of the English for science and technology, it has become an independent subject。 Marine English belongs to English for science and technology, but it is so unique that it separates from the English for science and technology, and is always analyzed and researched by researchers。 论文网

As the marine industries advance toward a higher, finer, and more elaborate field, the requirement of marine English translation becomes higher。 Marine English translation cannot merely be content with some proper accurate marine English nouns translation。 It requires that marine translation should bear some unique characteristics apart from those applied in common translations。 

There are many studies on translation, many of which are particularly on the characteristics of the language, translation skills, allusions, and there are even the comparison on Chinese and English translation, too。 This paper studies the marine English translation, from the perspective of syntactic choices, together with the characteristics of the marine language itself。 There is a big difference between the marine English translation and translations in other fields。 

This paper also studies marine English translation, mainly from the perspective of the generation law of sentences with some examples, in order to analyze the syntactic choices in the marine English translation, and tries to put forward feasible solutions。 With a view of the preference of sentence structure by the translators, the paper reveals the strategies and skills applied in marine translations。 

Ⅱ。 Literature Review

The study mainly focuses on marine English translation related to syntactical preference。 What is syntax? Syntax is a branch of linguistics that studies the rules that govern the formation of sentences。 (Dai Weidong, 2002) It is the study of the rules governing the ways words, word groups and phrases are combined to form sentences in a language, or the study of the interrelationships between elements in sentence structures。 We can draw the conclusion from the definition of syntax that each language has its own rules for internal structure。 Syntax is the study of the components in each sentence and their sequence。 To put it in a simple way, it is about how a sentence is made。 

There are more researches of technology translation focus on lexical problems。 The reason is that syntax is connected with the sentence structure, allowing it to have much more space to adjust, but on the other side, it is much difficult to grasp it。 (Wang Xiansheng, 2013)文献综述

The researches on syntax are abundant, and the earliest can be traced back to those by Russian scholars。 It can be easily seen that many Russian researchers tell the story that Russia has a long history and tradition in the study of syntax。 In the 19th century, some Russian linguists such as А。 Х。 ВOCTOKOB and А。 А。 ШAXMATOB (Yu Xin, 2006) had taken syntax as an independent branch of linguistics whose main task is to study the relationship of the combination of the words, as well as the relationship of phrases in the point of the grammar principles, but does not give full attention to the level of syntax structure and semantic structure。 

On the other hand, Chinese researcher Fan Yongqian (Fan Yongqian, 2009) points out in his book Skills and Techniques in Translations that in the process of the translation, English sentences can be understood in the unit of some words and phrases。 But once we have to express some ideas with sentences, it is difficult to exactly express the meaning of the original text。 The translation is either very complex or the translation context is vague to some extent。 Under this circumstance, we can understand the whole sentence as a single unit in the aspect of Chinese sentence translation aspect。 Dong Xiaobo (Dong Xiaobo, 2013) points out that both in the Chinese and English translation, sentences are the basic language units used for language communication。 There is a great difference between the Chinese and English language in the various aspect of pronunciation, words form, vocabulary, syntax and so on。 They are tightly linked to the language differences, and syntax is no exception。 Therefore, it is essential for translators to compare the sentence structure in English and Chinese languages in order to know the differences between the two languages in sentence structure。

















