4。1  Developmental Features 8

4。2  Significant Differences in Accuracy in Four Types of Errors 8

Conclusion 11

Acknowledgements 12

References 13From+优 尔-论+文W网www.youerw.com 加QQ752018`766

Appendix Error Classification System 15

1 Introduction

1。1 Research Background

With the development of economy and reform and opening policies, English, especially English writing, has gradually become a necessary skill of transnational corporations and international communication。 However, during the process of study, writing is considered the most difficult one, compared with other four basic skills: listening, speaking, reading and translating。 Statistics show that not only in international tests like Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), International English Language Testing System (LELTS), or in domestic exams such as College English Test 4 and 6 (CET4 and 6), Test for English Majors Band 4 and 8 (TEM4 and 8), in terms of writing part, students always tend to perform not as well as in other testing sections。 So, it is obvious that the writing situation of Chinese students demands prompt changes。 Therefore, at this moment, linguistic accuracy, as the most vital element to measure English writing, is of great significance, which leads to more and more study on it recently。

Linguistic accuracy refers to the ability of using grammar, vocabulary and syntax correctly during the process of writing, an ability of expressing one’s thoughts with second language without errors。 Besides, the development of linguistic accuracy symbolizes the development of language proficiency。 In addition, among the studies in the area of second language acquisition in other countries, studies of linguistic accuracy in writing have achieved fruitful results, whereas, in our country, such kind of research is rare。论文网

1。2 Significance of the Study

The present study aims to present a general picture of writing proficiency of English majors by three different grades。 It attempts to find out developmental features of linguistic accuracy in the writings of English majors, which may expose some problems existing in the compositions of Chinese EFL students。 Besides, some suggestions will be raised in order to do help to improve EFL teaching and learning, to find solutions for language teachers to treat errors in learners’ writing products。 Last but not least, the findings of this study can be foundation and reference for later researchers to do further study in the field of applied linguistics。

2 Literature Review

2。1 Previous Research in Writing Accuracy

2。1。1 Previous Research in Writing Accuracy Aboard

Research on linguistic accuracy of English writing mainly focuses on the following three aspects: 

(1) the relationships between L1 and L2, for example, Kobayashi and Rinnert (1992) examined ESL students’ writing under two conditions: direct composition and translation from L1。 Besides, Kikpatrik (1997) investigated the relationship between traditional Chinese text structure and Mainland Chinese students' English writing。 

(2) the relationships between the development of writing in accuracy and teachers’ or peers’ feedback, eg。, Chaudler (2003) found that both direct correction and simple underlining of errors are significantly superior to describing the type of error。 Ishlkawa (1990) looked at different teaching techniques, to see whether different pedagogical techniques have influence on improving linguistic accuracy。

















