    毕业论文关键词:反思性教学; 专业发展;英语教师
    Abstract With the development of education reform of foreign language and scientific research of teaching, people gradually realize that teachers’ professional development has already become the key to improving foreign teaching quality and that the reflective teaching is an approach to teachers’ professional development. The thesis attempts to draw upon the teachers’ professional development through teacher reflection in the hope of arousing teachers’ awareness of self-improvement. The author holds that teacher reflection is beneficial to the improvement of teaching and teachers themselves, and teachers can achieve professional growth through reflective teaching. The study first reviews definitions and dimensions of reflection and the role of reflection in teachers’ development. What’s more, the present study was designed to investigate the current conditions that junior middle school English teachers apply reflective teaching by exploring and examine the degree of availability and their comprehension towards reflective teaching.
    Key Words: reflective teaching; professional development; English teacher
    Reflective Teaching and English Teachers Professional Development

    摘 要    i
    Abstract    ii
    I. Introduction    1
    II. Theoretical Bases    2
    2.1 Reflective Teaching    2
    2.2 Teacher Professional Development    5
    III. The Current Conditions    6
    3.1 Methodology    7
    3.1.1 Subjects    7
    3.1.2 Instruments    7
    3.2 Data Presentation and Analysis    9
    IV. Discussion and Recommendations    12
    4.1Discussion    12
    4.1.1 English Teachers’ Attitudes Towards Reflective Teaching    12
    4.1.2 Tools for Reflective Teaching    13
    4.1.3 Benefits of Reflective Teaching    14
    4.1.4 English Teachers’ Difficulties to Apply Reflective Teaching    15
    4.1.5 Reflective Teaching as an Impetus for the Professional Development    16
    4.2 Findings and Recommendations    17
    V. Conclusion    20
    Bibliography    21
    Acknowledgements    22
    Appendix    23
    I. Introduction

    Since 1980s, reflective teaching has prevailed in the world especially in Europe and America. So scholars in education field have also made a lot of researches on reflective teaching in America. In most of the articles and books dealing with reflective teaching, the roots of the term reflection are traced back to Dewey and his influential “How we Think”: a re-statement of the relation of reflective thinking to educational process and to Schon(1983), Schon(1987), Schon(1991). Reflective teaching begins to attract more and more teachers and educators’ attention. Xiong Chuanwu(1999), a scholar of China, defines reflective teaching and practice. With new curriculum standard implemented, teachers in Chinese middle school have to learn to conduct reflective teaching to keep up with the times’ requirements. Most of the previous studies tend to discuss reflective teaching from theory. Few studies apply theory of reflective teaching to teaching practice of middle school.
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