Instruments 6

3。4 Data Collection 7

3。5 Data Analysis 7

4 Results and Discussion 9

4。1  Repair Types in Two Tasks 9

4。2  Editing Terms in Two tasks 11

4。3  Repair Structures in Two Tasks 12

5  Conclusion 14

5。1  Findings 15

5。2  Implications 15

5。3  Limitations 15

Acknowledgements 17

References 18

1 Introduction

1。1 Research Background

Self-repair in speech results from a complicated interplay of perceptual and productive process (Levelt, 1983)。 As a common linguistic phenomenon, it has drawn the attention of many researchers at home and abroad。 Self-repairs consist of overt repair and covert repair and most researches focus on overt ones。 From the perspectives of psycholinguistics (Kormos, 1999), sociolinguistics, pedagogy and so on, researchers had investigated the different factors which influenced oral self-repairs by empirical researches in both L1 and L2。 And the factors included gender difference, different task structures, the proficiency of students and so on。 This paper would focus on how different tasks affect the self-repair behaviors of female English majors’ oral speech。 源-于,优Z尔%论^文.网 原文+QQ752018~766

1。2 Research Object and Objective

By analyzing the samples of oral records from 20 female seniors majoring in English, this paper aims to investigate the relationship between different types of oral tasks and self-repair behaviors of female English majors。 From the differences of repair frequencies, repair types, repair structures as well as editing terms collected in the research, this study could help female students find out the problems during the process of self-repairs。 And also it could help teachers consider task familiarity when designing oral tests。论文网

1。3 Structure of the Thesis

Five parts are presented in this thesis。 The research background, research object as well as objective are introduced in the first part。 Second part is literature review about the status and trends of research on spoken English and previous research of oral self-repair in L2。 Part three describes research design which includes the research questions, participants, methods and research procedure, as well as the description of the data analysis。 The results and discussions of three dimensions are presented in part four and part five is about conclusion including findings, implications and limitations。

2 Literature Review

2。1 Status and Trends of Research on Spoken English

In the past decade, the researches about oral English in China mainly focused on oral theories of foreign language, oral teaching and oral tests。 In the part of oral teaching, researchers conducted oral teaching researches under the theories such as constructivism, lexical chunk theory, second language acquisition theory and so on。 Wang (2006) proposed that second language acquisition could be applied in the English oral class and suggested that favorable class atmosphere could improve students’ speaking skills。 Besides, she recommended that the various ways of language input could enrich the content of oral English production and only the effective oral output could deal with well the relationship between the fluency and accuracy of oral expression。 Si (2006) suggested that because constructivism emphasizes on the initiative, sociality and situation of studying, so the English oral teaching could draw lessons from the cognitive flexibility theory, random access instruction theory, situated instruction theory as well as scaffolding instruction theory of constructivism。 With the rise of communicative language testing theory, Bachman (1990) came up with the issues of authenticity of language testing and at the same time, some researchers at home also explored the authenticity of language testing from the perspectives of four different dimensions, which were tasks, situation, examinees as well as evaluation criterion (Tan & Fu, 2007)。 By analyzing the main problems in oral testing in the past twenty years, Yang (2006) pointed out the applied research of and the development direction of oral test。 In addition, the effect of the large computer-assisted SET (Spoken English Test) was discussed (Li, 2009)。 By analyzing the test items and their effect on the state anxiety as well as the responses of teachers, that study verified the feasibility and efficacy of the computer-assisted SET in testing spoken proficiency。 

















