In the modern society, advertisements have great impact on our daily life。 Though many people have studied on advertisement language and have a lot of findings before, this paper will add more explanation to advertisement gender language researches。 Therefore, this paper will do researches on advertisements to find out the differences in gender language from a multi-modal perspective which is more comprehensive and original。

1。2 Significance of the Study

Living in a digital age, we can see advertisements here and there。 Advertisements have great influences on people's life and consumption concepts。 It is necessary to study advertising language to help people to have a correct view of advertisements and to consume rationally。 Therefore, this paper tries to analyze the language differences between men and women in advertisements from a multimodal perspective。 According to related theories, language has great influence on the way of thinking and then affects people's behavior。 And the other way round, the way people thinking and behaving also has great impact on people's language。 Also a great number of studies show that there are many differences in men and women's language, and a lot of factors resulting in language differences between male and female can be found。 So it is necessary to study language differences in multi-modal view。 Nowadays, with the development of science and technology, advertisements can be seen here and there in modern society。 It is common that people read advertisements these days。 It is obvious that advertisements play an important role in people's life, especially when people are shopping or choosing which one to buy in the mall。 Therefore, this research is aimed at further studying the causes contributing to such phenomenon。 The study is of great importance to people's daily life。   文献综述

2 Literature Review

2。1 Overseas Research Status

Saussure's establishment of semiotics of language and outlook for general semiotics has its indelible contributions to the study of gender differences in language (Chen, 2012)。 Some of his views, such as unit and the structure of language is inherent characteristics of language system has great influence on the research of semiotics (Hu, 2007)。 Jespersen is one of the linguists who firstly pay attention to the gender differences in language。 In the book Language, he describes gender differences in language between men and women with a whole chapter, making the study of language and gender become a popular topic that anthropologist and sociologist concern。 However, the study of gender factors in languages are still scattered。 Language and gender linguistics hasn't received the attention of linguists as an independent linguistic study before the 1960s。 In the 1960s and the 1970s, the feminist movement developed quickly which further promoted the development of the language and gender studies。 As a result, the linguists were inspired and became more interested in the relationship between language and gender。 At that time, some famous linguists sprang up, such as Lakoff, Trudgill, Zimmerman, West, etc。 After the publishing of a book Language and the status of women (Lakoff, 1975) written by Lakoff, language and gender differences has become an important content in the research of social linguistics。 Studies abroad before mainly focuses on gender discrimination。 Because gender difference in language is a reflection of gender discrimination and social status。 But today people's attention transfers to the  field of business。

















