    摘 要一般来讲,语言是可译的,这无可厚非,但是由于各国语言和文化的差异,而且存在一些无法逾越的语言上或者文化上的障碍,语言又不是完全可译的,甚至在很多情况下是不可译的。中餐菜名作为中国独特饮食文化中重要的组成部分,受思文、信仰价值观念、习俗和历史因素的影响,通常都负载着文化意义,这些反映在菜名中的文化因素就使中餐菜名的翻译具有不可译性。但是可译性终究是矛盾的主要方面,所以在翻译过程中,针对不可译的菜名,应该寻找一些补偿的办法去尽量避免文化意义的丢失。本文重点研究文化不可译性对中文菜名翻译的影响。本文的研究能够促进中餐菜名翻译的准确性,进一步更好的向国外宣传中国饮食文化。21982
    毕业论文关键词: 可译性;不可译性; 文化;中餐菜名
     Abstract In general, the language is translatable, which is understandable, but because of language and cultural differences between countries, there are some insurmountable    obstacles on language or culture, whereas language are not fully translated, even in many cases untranslatable. Chinese dish names, as an important part of China’s unique culinary culture, which are influenced by thinking, beliefs, values, customs and historical factors, are usually loaded with cultural significance. These cultural factors reflected in the dish names make the Chinese dish names untranslatable. But after all translatability is the main aspect of translation paradox. Thus in the process of translation, we should find some modified ways to avoid the loss of cultural significance in Chinese dish for some untranslatable dish names. This paper mainly presents the cultural impact on untranslatability of Chinese dishes translation. This study could facilitate the translation of Chinese dish names precisely and spread our Chinese culture greatly to foreign countries.
    Key words: translatability; untranslatability; culture; Chinese dish names
    摘 要..i
    I. Introduction..1
    II. Paradox of Translatability and Untranslatability..  ..2
    III. Diet Culture Differences Between America and China...4
    3.1 Differences in Diet Concept...5  
      3.2 Different Mode of Thinking Towards Dish Names.6   
    IV. Translatability and Untranslatability of Chinese Dish Names...6
    4.1 Translatability of Chinese Dish Names...6
    4.2 Untranslatability of Chinese Dish Names...8
    4.3 Translation Strategies for Chinese Dish Names13
    V. Conclusion.15
    The Studies on the Translatability and Untranslatability of          Chinese Dish Names from the Differences Between Chinese          and American Diet Culture

    I. Introduction

        Translation, as an indispensable means of the communication among different cultures, contributes a lot to the development of human civilization. But to translate the source language into target language accurately and perfectly is hardly impossible for every translator. Debates about untranslatability are one of the most heated issues about translation. On the one hand, we should insist that translation is possible due to the similarity of human experience, linguistic and cultural universality; on the other hand, we have to admit the fact that there are some insurmountable obstacles and difficulties
    in translation practices owing to linguistic and cultural disparities.  
    Many westerners are interested in studying Chinese culinary culture and Chinese dish names, and much work has been done in this field. English-Chinese Bilingual Hotels, Tourism and Catering Management Dictionary, covers a variety of aspects concerning basic vocabulary of tourism industry, including dish names (Collin 589). A lot of Chinese scholars have also made efforts on dish name translation. In A Concise Chinese-English Dictionary for Traveling at Home and Abroad compiled, over 4000 Chinese dishes are specially listed to together with their English translation. Ren Jingsheng, discussed some basic characteristics of English of Chinese discussed some basic characteristics of English and Chinese dishes and foods, in both oral and written situations (367). Among cultural differences, the cuisine culture plays a very important role. The most outstanding example is Chinese cuisine culture which is different from most western countries. It is not only famous for daintiness but also the attractive dish
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