Besides, in the Journal Good Parents, it is mentioned that the best teacher is the interest which serves as a drive for students to explore the unknown world, and encourage them to study hard so that the learning quality enhances。 Whatever you are doing, the interest is of the greatest importance, learning English included。 So in recent days teachers are required to attentively prepare or adapt teaching material for the purpose of arousing students’ interest。

However this distinction also gives evidence for the opposite view that the reading material they are interested in will easily distract their attention。 So in this paper we will study further to get a convincing conclusion finally。

1。2 The relationship between the ability of retelling and students

1。2。1 The importance of the ability to retell to students

Retelling is an important foundational skill for middle school students。 It promotes story comprehension and helps students develop expressive vocabulary。 When students can retell a story, they are activating their thinking abilities, visualization abilities, and even their imaginations。  They are also developing sequencing skills as they work to explain and retell the events of a story in the order they read them。 Students who can read a text and retell the story have an understanding of print concepts and story plot。  文献综述

    Deborah K。 Reed and Sharon Vaughn (2011) believe retell is an indicator of reading comprehension。 They tried to determine the reliability and validity of retell protocols for assessing reading comprehension of students in grades K–12。 Fifty-four studies were systematically coded for data related to the administration protocol, scoring procedures, and technical adequacy of the retell component。 They found that retell was moderately correlated with standardized measures of reading comprehension and, with older students, had a lower correlation with decoding and fluency。 And literal information was retold more frequently than inferential, and students with learning disabilities or reading difficulties needed more supports to demonstrate adequate recall。

Sarah Stoutz (2011) found retelling is an important skill for students of all ages, and when taught at a young age, and has the potential to help students with comprehension as they get older and read more complex texts。 Comprehension can be fostered in students throughout the reading process using pre-, while-, and post-reading activities (Bean, Readence, & Baldwin, 2008)。 In his study, he focused specifically on retelling as a post-reading strategy。 Post-reading strategies are activities that are done after finishing reading a text, and serve to help students understand what they have read, pick out important parts, and generate further thinking related to the text。 Some include discussing, summarizing, and retelling, among others。 However, post-reading strategies are often neglected as teachers rapidly move from topic to topic, but when executed effectively, they can serve to review, refine, and generate new ideas about a text (Bean, Readence, & Baldwin, 2008)。 Retelling is a skill that calls on students to tell the story again in their own words in the correct order。 In order to do this, students must remember the story, pick out the important pieces, and tell the story once again in the correct order。 A retelling is different than a summary in that a summary reduces story length and only reports main ideas or topics, while a retelling recounts all story events, details, and even story language and phrases。 Retelling is a skill that helps students organize, summarize, and process information that they have read or heard (Beers, 2003)。 Although retelling is best suited for fiction texts and stories, can be adapted enhance reading of informational texts (Bean, Readence, & Baldwin)。

















