关键词 三语习得 语言迁移 元音
Title Probe Into the Interactive Transfer Between English and French for Chinese Learners---with Vowels as Example.
Recent years have witnessed substantial studies on the macroscopic aspects of English and French (Grammar, Pronunciation, etc), however, the ones focusing on the transfer of English and French vowels are barely seen. The key to grasping the two languages is grasping right vowels. Based on theories of the Third Language Acquisition and Language Transfer, taking English and French vowels and vowel phonemes as main research subjects, the paper analyzes the complexity of the mutual transfer between the second language (English) and the third language (French) for Chinese learners during the third language acquisition (TLA). During the experiment, five English majors who take French as the third language are invited to read French vowels and a passage consisting of ten French vowel phonemes and five French majors who take English as the third language are invited to read English vowels and a passage consisting of six English vowel phonemes. My African teacher of French is invited to analyze these recordings and figure out not only three French vowels and four vowel phonemes with the highest error rate of pronunciation influenced by English, three English vowels and vowel phonemes with the highest error rate of pronunciation influenced by French, the influencing factors leading to the mispronunciation, but the positive transfer in the five similar vowels and phonemes, the negative transfer in the French vowel pronunciation (monophthongs--diphthongs) and reasons.
Keywords TLA(the third language acquisition) language transfer vowels
Table of Contents
1 Introduction .1
1.1 Research Background....1
1.2 Research Questions...1
1.3 The Significance of This Study.2
2 Literature Review.2
3 Theoretical Framework ...3
3.1 TLA...3
3.2 Language Transfer .......4
4 Methodology........7
4.1 Participants....7
4.2 Experiment Design7
5 Result8
5.1 Result Analysis......8
5.2 Experiment Findings......8
Conclusion ...10
1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
With the deepening study of the SLA (the second language acquisition), the TLA, namely the third language acquisition, which was presented by Ringbom in 1987, occurs as a brand new study sphere in recent years. “It focuses on the study of variable social and psychological factors which have bearings on the acquisition of the third language (Yuan Qingling, 2010: 48-52).” “The TLA refers to one or more languages being studied by learners who have already grasped a second language as well as their mother tongue (Fouser, 1995: 41-56).” Compared with the transfer from the mother tongue to the acquisition of the second language, the TLA, which is assumed much more complex, has also been greatly influenced by two or more languages which have already been acquired by learners. In China, with English as the second language, the vast majority of learners who study French as their third language can never neglect the influence of the language transfer from English (the second language) to French (the third language), and vice versa.
- 上一篇:中美交往中的道歉言语行为研究
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