An Analysis of the Growth of Jane Eyre from the Perspective of Bildungsroman
Abstract Jane Eyre is famous for her distinguished personality, strong will to pursuit equality and rebellious spirit。 However, Jane Eyre is not born with these traits but experiences a process of growing。 So this thesis makes an analysis on the process of growing of Jane Eyre from the perspective of Bildungsroman, combined with Lucacs’ opinions on the contemplation and action。 From the perspective of Bildungsroman, in this process, Jane Eyre suffers confusion and alienation in her younger years。 In order to look for self-identity and get to know the world, Jane Eyre has to experience a journey。 In this journey, Jane meets different people and has different experiences which have an influence on the growth of Jane Eyre。 So in this process, Jane Eyre is confronted with the conflict between contemplation and action。 And according to George Lucas, Bildungsroman is a middle course between idealism and romanticism。 Idealism concentrates on action and changing the world, while romanticism focuses on contemplation and being receptive to the world。 So contemplation and action plays an important role in the growth of the protagonist。 Meantime, keeping the balance between contemplation and action, the protagonist is also making her or his way to maturity。88671
Key words: Bildungsroman; Jane Eyre; Jane Eyre; contemplation; action
摘要简爱因其鲜明的性格和敢于追求平等以及面对不公时的反叛精神而闻名。但这些品质并不是与生 俱来的,事实上简爱经历了一个成长的过程。因此,本文从成长小说的传统模式出发将结合卢卡奇关 于沉思与行动的部分理论,对简爱的成长做一个过程的分析。从成长小说的角度来看,在早期,简爱 备受困惑与疏离感的折磨。 而为了寻找自我,认识世界, 简爱不得不开启她的成长之旅。在这个旅 途中,不同的人和事也会对简爱的成长产生影响。在这个过程中,简爱面临着思考与行动间的矛盾。 德国成长小说研究者乔治。 卢卡奇认为成长小说是理想主义小说与浪漫主义小说的中间体。理想主义 注重行动和对世界的改变,而浪漫主义则强调沉思和接受世界。因此在成长小说中,行动与沉思对主 人公成长起着不可或缺的作用,而主人公在追寻这二者平衡的同时也一步步走向成熟。源Q于D优G尔X论V文Y网 原文+QQ75201`8766
1。 Introduction 1
1。1 Jane Eyre and Bildungsroman 1
1。1。1 On Jane Eyre 1
1。1。2 On Bildungsroman 2
1。2 Literature Review 3
1。 2。 1 Literature Review Abroad 3
1。 2。 2 Literature Review at Home 3
1。 3 Research Motives and Research Questions 4
1。 3。 1 Personal Interest 4
1。 3。 2 The Significance of This Research 4
1。4 Thesis Statement 5
2。 The confusion and Alienation of Jane Eyre 6