    Abstract  In recent years, with the strengthening of economic globalization, movie, as a cultural exchange carriers in various countries, are penetrating into people’s lives. It plays an important role in Sino-foreign cultural exchanges. More and more English movies are translated and introduced to our country and attracted many people’s attention. In the movie, we can often see various misunderstandings arising from cultural differences in the translation of films. And this will bring a great deal of obstacles in understanding and cross-cultural communication. This paper, which focuses on the movie White House butler, will discuss the translation of the movie and suggesting the cultural differences between Chinese and Western countries. And the paper will analyzing and tries to draw conclusions from it. In the end, provide some useful suggestions for the translation of the English movie lines.
    Key words: movie lines; language characteristics; translation; the cultural differences
    An Analysis on the Film Translation about Chinese and Western Culture Differences in the Movie White House Butler
    I. Introduction
    We should make clear the definition of culture. What do we mean by culture when we say different nations have different cultures? More specifically concerned with language and translation. Culture is an extremely complex concept and an enormous subject. It embraces almost everything in the world, whether material or spiritual. The differences between English and Chinese culture bring more difficulties than the differences between linguistic structures. Language and culture have close relationship with each other. Translation not only is language translation, but also is culture translation. Like all other aspects of culture, language is not inherited but acquired and shared by a whole society. Language mirrors other parts of culture, supports them, spreads them and helps to develop others. This special feature of language distinguishes it from all other facets of culture and makes it crucially important for the transfer of culture. This comparative study of Chinese and English focuses on their differences, and we can conclude from it that differences in language arise from differences in mental culture. While translation is obviously a transfer of language, it is also a transfer of mental culture. This paper, which focuses on the movie White House butler, will discuss the translation of the lines of the movie that suggesting the cultural differences between Chinese and Western countries.  

    II. Brief Introduction about Cultural Differences

    2.1 Brief Introduction the Chinese and Western Culture
    With the strengthening of global integration, many researchers have proposed different principles of countries. That is, in different parts of the nation can adhere to national characteristics and habits of their own, but can't separate.
    Our country is a multi-ethnic country. We have ancient civilizations and thousands of years of culture. Our culture occupies an important position of world culture. The world culture is composed of each other's national culture. Today, under the background of global integration, there are various nationalities communicate with each other and demand of communication. This is the only way for the development of national culture. Many countries in the new period will bring their culture into China. The traditional national culture in China will face the fierce collision. In the collision between Chinese culture and western culture, translation work becomes the important way for two kinds of culture exchange. For example, many foreign words, coke (Coca cola), cat (modem), model (the model), etc. The economic globalization not only confined to areas of the economy of human society in the 21st century. That also infiltrated into cultural life and other fields. For example, He Guimei said in his article “As to religious culture, point that we can find some words in Chinese equivalent to English words for the basic meaning, the words including the religious culture meaning which are quite different. For example, dragon and“龙”(long), the denotation of this two words are the same, but the connotation is totally different. In English, dragon stands for monster, demon or savage (He 48).”
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