And Lan Walt, a famous English critic, analyzed the spirit of inpidualism of Robinson in detailed in his book The Rise of the Novel (1992) and Myths of Modern Inpidualism (1996)。He claimed that Robinson was a typical “social person”。 He believed that Robinson’s life on the isolated island showed the features of inpidualism in that capitalist society。 The formation of such character was determined by the conditions of social history development。 In book Wealth of Nations (1976:391), Adam Smith, a Scottish political economist, regarded Robinson as a typical “economic man” in the development of the capitalist economy, which not only gave a certain degree of affirmation to the spirit of inpidualism in Robinson Crusoe, but also confirmed that the inpidualism in Robinson Crusoe was influenced by the capital's economic and social development indirectly。 This inpidualism released humans from the religious and imperial power, speeding up the liberation of humans。 What’s more, it can also promote the development of capitalism and improve social productive forces。文献综述

And when Robinson Crusoe was first published, there were also many economists believing that it was a book of economics, because the hero was always busy for the interests in his whole life, which can show Robinson’s egocentricity, a typical characteristic of the bourgeoisie at that time。 And it was not only reflected in the social and economic activities in the early years, even when he was alone living on the island, he still didn’t stop the pursuit of the interest, which is a typical embodiment of inpidualism。 In addition, Crusoe’s attitude to Friday also showed this part of human nature。 Claiming his mastery and superiority on Friday, Crusoe always commanded and ordered him what to do。 He chose to give him a name instead of asking him what his name is。 So based on this, Häusermann (1935:439-456) put forward his own point of view, he believed that this reckless and egoistic attitude towards one’s neighbor results naturally in a strong impulse to dominate and to command。 This situation was same when Robinson saved the captain and other men。 When he had more people in the island, he asserted that he was the authority。 

Although there were many domestic and foreign experts who have already done the researches or made achievements on this subject-the inpidualism in Robinson Crusoe, there are still many details waiting for us to make a deep analysis。 So on the basis of the previous researches by forerunners and my new definition of inpidualism, I want to make a more comprehensive and specific understanding of inpidualism in Robinson Crusoe。

In Robinson Crusoe, five aspects of inpidualism can be reflected by Robinson: pursuit for inpidual rights and freedom; self-management; self-reliance and self-creation; self-improvement; self-centeredness and constant pursuit for self-interest。 In the next chapter, I will elaborate these five aspects。 

















